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This booklet contains the order of the General Moleben (or Service of Intercession), which may be served on any occasion to invoke the aid of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, or the saints, as well as the order of the Pannikhida (or Memorial Service) in which Orthodox Christians pray for the blessed repose and salvation of the departed.
Hardcover, 96 pages.
Издание на русском языке, в твердом переплете, содержит дополнительные вкладки: О здравии, Об упокоения, Молитва об усопшем, О молитве за усопших, Дни особого поминовения усопших.
This hard cover commemoration book offers 17 pages for commemoration of the living, and 11 pages for the commemoration of the departed.
Dimensions: 4.25" x 6"
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Издание на русском языке, в твердом переплете, содержит дополнительные вкладки: Молитва о здравии, Молитва о упокоении, Молитва об усопшем, Молитва по исходе души от тела.
This hardcover commemoration book offers 10 pages for commemoration of the living, and 11 pages for the commemoration of the departed.
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This cross is a high-resolution print on wood. The crucifix print is embellished with light-reflecting gold foil.
Blessed by the clergy at our affiliated church.