by Melinda Johnson, illustrated by Kristina Tartara
Saint Ia Rides a Leaf is a charming story from the life of Saint Ia, an Irish missionary to England in the fifth or sixth century. The town and parish of St Ives in Cornwall, England, are named for her, and she is commemorated on February 3 in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Join Saint Ia and her animal friends on an adventure to spread the Gospel!
Author: Melinda Johnson
Illustrator: Kristina Tartara
Board book: 24 pages
Издание на русском языке, в твердом переплете, содержит дополнительные вкладки: О здравии, Об упокоения, Молитва об усопшем, О молитве за усопших, Дни особого поминовения усопших.
This hard cover commemoration book offers 17 pages for commemoration of the living, and 11 pages for the commemoration of the departed.
Dimensions: 4.25" x 6"
We are pleased to offer this new edition of the Akathist to St. John the Wonderworker. He is a saint of our times, beloved by those around the world, who continues to work countless miracles. As His Grace Bishop James relates in his Foreword to the Akathist, the miracles and extraordinary accounts concerning St. John “assure us that we are not alone in facing the difficult challenges of earthly life. Indeed, the Lord Himself promised: Behold, I shall not leave you orphans (John 14:18). St. John fulfilled this promise, having cared for so many orphans during his lifetime; and as his constant miracles attest, he continues to care for us. Therefore, let us not allow ourselves to become spiritual orphans through worrying and being anxious: may we instead turn to him in prayer and ask for his bold intercessions before our Lord.” Full-color cover and inner pages, richly illustrated with several icons of St. John.
Full-color cover and inner pages.
Format: Softcover
Pages: 28
Softcover: 272 pages
He was a rare, contemporary manifestation of the ascetic bishops of old, in whom a bold confession of the truth emerged in an organic way from the whole life in Christ. He was blameless in the Way, pure in the Life, and incorrupt in repose. He was the Blessed Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York (1903-1985), an exponent of the Truth of the Gospel like few in his generation.
In this comprehensive collection the full spectrum of the holy hierarch’s saintliness, humility, prayer, ascetic life and confession of Orthodox Faith shines forth before the reader.
Herein, you, the pious reader, gain access to a timeless source of arch-pastoral guidance on matters pertaining to the One Faith, to the Orthodox Way, and to the life and history of the Russian Church Abroad. Moreover, you will inevitably be inspired to celebration, and thus also imitation, by the valiant witness of this contemporary “pillar of Orthodoxy,” who “rightly divided the word of Truth.”
A thorough biography, over three dozen homilies, articles, epistles and encyclicals by Blessed Metropolitan Philaret, the new confessor, a preface by His Grace Bishop Luke of Syracuse, over twenty-five photographs and two appendices make this book essential reading for all pious Orthodox Christians desiring to know and follow the Holy Fathers.