The saints of our Church, even the greatest elders and ascetics, were once children! In volume 2 of the series we meet a sweet boy named Angelo who would become Saint Porphyrios! Many a time while grazing his sheep, Angelo would find shelter in the hollow of an olive tree and would eagerly read The Life of Saint John the Hut-Dweller. From childhood until he was a tonsured monk, the story of the Hut-Dweller was Angelo's constant companion. He dreamed that one day he would set sail on a fast moving boat, traverse great seas, and drop anchor at Mount Athos, the port that stands between earth and heaven.
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 64
Pages: 48
Binding: Hardcover
The saints of our Church, even the greatest elders and ascetics, were once children!
On one summer day, in Konitsa of Epirus (Northern Greece), the young Arseny beheld the “Light of the world” with his own eyes. Over the years, this very child grew up to become the beloved saint we know today as St. Paisios the Athonite.
In this book, children will learn about the life of St. Paisios through sweet and moving stories, filled with wisdom and joy.
An engaging, illustrated guide to confession for children. This 100-page, easy-to-use aid will help a child understand and prepare for confession. Designed for both younger and older children, this book assists the child with brief, inspirational thoughts followed by prayers and an age-appropriate self-examination based on 1 Corinthians 13 (the "love chapter"). A Child's Guide to Confession also includes a glossary of basic vocabulary that children typically encounter when learning about or going to confession. Fully illustrated in a simple, colorful, yet reverent style.
This work for our children was compiled by the editors, as well as various staff members and content contributors, of Ancient Faith Ministries under the supervision of several Orthodox clergy as cited on the copyright page: namely, Fr Noah Bushelli, Fr Nicholas Speier, and Fr Andrew Stephen Damick.
A wonderful new tool for Orthodox children! A Child's Guide to the Divine Liturgy is designed as an aid to help children negotiate their way through the Divine Liturgy and learn more about the Church and our faith. Small and easy to hold, with engaging illustrations, the guide is divided into six color-coded sections:
This guide is written to appeal to children ages two to ten. The very young child will learn basic vocabulary and come to recognize the various milestones in the Divine Liturgy. For the older child, the guide includes several longer psalms, quotes, and prayers; the 12 feast icons and kontakia; plus an extensive glossary filled with terms and vocabulary often heard throughout the liturgical year.
By Nun Nectaria McLees, illustrated by Elena Stefarova
Delightful tales of 15 cherished saints, with iconographic full-color paintings of scenes from their lives. Here you’ll find stories from the lives of Saints Constantine and Helen, Cyprian and Justina, Demetrius of Thessalonica, Herman of Alaska, John the Russian, Mary Magdalene, Mary of Egypt, Moses the Black, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Nina of Georgia, Great Martyr Panteleimon, Philothei of Athens, Seraphim of Sarov and Xenia of Petersburg, as well as the Guardian Angel.
Softcover, illustrated, 62 pages
Pages: 38
Binding: Hardcover
Beneath the Magnificent Dome, by Anna Iakovou, and illustrated by Spyros Gousis. Translated by Dimitri Kagaras.
Beneath the Magnificent Dome tells the story of Fr. Eleftherios Noufrakis, a Cretan military chaplain, who dared to celebrate the Divine Liturgy in the Great Church--Agia Sophia--465 years after the city of Constantinople fell to the Turks on May 29, 1453.
By: Elder Cleopa
Translated by: Diana Suvak
Volume 10: This collection of stories, written for a young audience by one of the most important Orthodox Christian elders of Romania, contains teachings about faith, the Christian virtues, the lives of the saints, prayer, icons, and many other topics. The tenth volume tells the young reader about repentance, pride, and the lives of St. Romanus the Melodist, St. John Kukuzel, and St. Ephrem the Syrian.
Language: English
Number of pages:
ISBN: 978-1-936773-42-8
Published: 2018
Volume 2: This collection of stories, written for a young audience by one of the most important Orthodox Christian elders of Romania, contains teachings about faith, the Christian virtues, the lives of the saints, prayer, icons, and many other topics. In the second volume, Elder Cleopa tells stories about the importance of humility and a miracle with the Holy Cross.
Paperback, 87 pages.
By: Elder Cleopa
Translated by: Diana Suvak
This collection of stories, written for a young audience by one of the most important Orthodox Christian elders of Romania, contains teachings about faith, the Christian virtues, the lives of the saints, prayer, icons, and many other topics.
From the sixth volume, young readers will learn about Saint Onuphrius the Great, Saint Peter, the Former Tax Collector, and Gerasimos, the Fool for Christ. They will also discover stories about greed, judging others, and one of the Psalms.
Language: English
Number of pages:
Published: 2021
Volume 1: This collection of stories, written for a young audience by one of the most important Orthodox Christian elders of Romania, contains teachings about faith, the Christian virtues, the lives of the saints, prayer, icons, and many other topics. The first volume includes stories about God's greatness, the value of faith, St. Mark of Trache, the fear of God, and one of the Psalms.
Paperback, 78 pages.
Volume 2: This collection of stories, written for a young audience by one of the most important Orthodox Christian elders of Romania, contains teachings about faith, the Christian virtues, the lives of the saints, prayer, icons, and many other topics. In the second volume, Elder Cleopa tells stories about the importance of humility and a miracle with the Holy Cross.
Paperback, 38 pages.
Pages: 98
Binding: Hardcover
Introducing Friends of Christ, a new twelve volume hardcover series of books for young people. Each beautifully illustrated volume contains the lives of five Saints, which take children on a journey where the real events of history inspire them to love the Lord and His wondrous deeds in the lives of the Friends of Christ!
The November volume contains the lives of : Venerable David of Evia (Nov 1), St. St. Porphyrios the Mime (Nov 4), Sts. Galaktion and Episteme (Nov 5), St. John Chrysostom (Nov 13), and the Holy Great Martyr Katherine (Nov 25).
Each volume includes a large decal.
Pages: 80
Binding: Hardcover
Introducing Friends of Christ, a new twelve volume hardcover series of books for young people. Each beautifully illustrated volume contains the lives of five Saints, which take children on a journey where the real events of history inspire them to love the Lord and His wondrous deeds in the lives of the Friends of Christ!
The October volume contains the lives of : St. John Koukouzelis (Oct 1), St. Thomas the Apostle (Oct 6), St. Athanasia and Andronikos (Oct 9), St. Longinos the Centurios (Oct 16), and St. Demetrios the Myrrhstreamer (Oct 26).
Each volume includes a large decal.
Pages: 52
Binding: Hardcover
All Orthodox Christians are named for a saint or feast of the Church—or are they? Having been named after the ancient Greek pagan hero Iraklis (Hercules), it seemed that young Iraklis Harilaou had no patron saint! At least that is what he thought, until one day he was hospitalized suffering from a strange illness. It was then that Iraklis learned that God's providence never leaves us empty handed—or without saintly intercessors!
This book is based on true events.
From the letter of Nun Prodrómi, Abbess Holy Monastery of Saint Irakleidios : "Dearest Children—the book you are holding in your hands contains the true story of a miracle worked by Saint Irakleidios for a group of middle school students. Through this story, you can see that our Orthodox saints are close at hand, that they are with us, and that they truly love us. They were children once too, with their own problems and worries, and with beautiful dreams and adventures in their lives. They believed, they struggled, and they became holy, and because of this they understand you and pray to God for you."
by Angela Isaacs, illustrated by Amandine Wanert
Good morning, God.
The day is new.
I say my first small prayer to You.
Lord, have mercy!
Lord, have mercy! When you're a toddler, every day is full of beautiful ups and difficult downs. And yet from sunrise to sunset, each day, each moment even, can be met with a powerful prayer that young children can remember: Lord, have mercy.
About the Author: Angela Isaacs didn’t realize she should be a writer until after getting an MA in Cognitive Psychology. Now she juggles freelance editing with book writing and raising her two daughters. Her first book for children, Goodnight Jesus, was published by Ancient Faith Publishing in 2016. She also has a forthcoming educational children’s book series, The Little Elephants' Big Adventures. When not writing or reading, Angela can usually be found knitting or cycling around the Illinois flatlands with her two daughters in tow.
About the Illustrator: Amandine Wanert is a French illustrator who currently lives in Paris. She illustrates both for the medical field and for children's book publishers, especially enjoying those projects that illuminate the world of young children. She previously illustrated In the Candle's Glow for Ancient Faith Publishing and has appreciated working on I Pray Today, bringing to life one little girl's quest to pray throughout the day. Amandine has two sons and a baby daughter.
Age Range: 2 – 6 years
Author: Angela Isaacs
Illustrator: Amandine Wanert
Format: Board book (heavy card stock, with rounded corners)
Dimensions: 6 X 8.5 inches
Page Length: 24 pages
In the centuries before Christ, Celtic peoples migrated from mainland Europe into the British Isles, eventually settling in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.
As Christians, they quickly set themselves apart from the local pagans and their priests, the druids. Many important holy ascetics preached the Gospel to both the unconverted Celts and the native Britons.
The remarkable thing about early Celtic culture is the transformation of its people., who distanced themselves from barbarism and arose as a Christian society led by its saints. In this spirit, we are delighted to present this book. Based on a mix of fact and folktale, the stories collected here introduce readers to a number of men and women who helped create the early history of our Orthodox Christian heritage. Their stories, though forgotten by many, are just as relevant today as they were in the distance past. And so, as we study these saints, may we be inspired to follow their example of love, humility, obedience, and most of all, their complete devotion to Christ!
Format: hardcover
Pages: 62
Josiah and Julia love to go to church. They love to venerate the icons, light candles, and eat the blessed bread. Sometimes they behave very well—but sometimes they make mistakes. Little ones can follow Josiah and Julia through the Liturgy and learn how even the youngest child can honor God by behaving properly in church.
Author: Kelly Ramkin Lardin
Illustrator: Sheena Hisiro
Format: board book (heavy cardstock, with rounded corners)
Dimensions: 6 X 8.5
Page count: 24
The road to sainthood takes a lifetime to travel. . . . Late in the fourth century, Christians are labeled enemies of the Roman Empire--hounded, arrested, tortured, and executed. Macrina and her husband Basil, once-wealthy Christians, flee with their small son to the mountainous forests south of the Black Sea. There, Macrina embarks on a seven-year journey of unexpected tests and trials that will take her through a harsh and hungry wilderness pilgrimage, only to plunge her into poverty and danger on the streets of Neocaesarea. So begins Macrina's adventure in faith, as she undertakes the process of becoming one of the most influential women in sacred history, the mother and grandmother of saints. Readers of all ages will be fascinated by the story of St. Macrina the Elder, who had a profound influence on her grandchildren, St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory of Nyssa, and St. Macrina the Younger. She is truly a great confessor of the Orthodox Christian faith. A chapter book with black-and-white illustrations.
At night, the wind blows through the rigging of the boat where Laurel lives. Sweet aromas float across the water and surprise her—as though they’d traveled from another land. One night, Laurel is transported across the water to an ancient world of mystery.
In this gorgeously illustrated and poetically written story, you will discover the wonder of Byzantium’s capital city, Constantinople, at the height of its glory. At the center is the magnificent church of Holy Wisdom, where the worship of God unfolds in splendor while the wind dances through the trees. This book will cultivate in the young a taste for the mystical and rekindle wonder in adult readers. In the waking dreams of a single little girl, this edifying tale explores in an alluring whirlwind both the power of remembrance and the beauty of truth, all centered around Christ’s glorious resurrection.
Age Range: 2-10 years
Author: Gaelan Gilbert
Illustrator: Ned Gannon
Hardcover: 32 pages
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches
Abigail is happy on the island of Inisheer, but God has other plans for her! An angel asks Abigail to search for nine white deer in the woods across the sea. When she finds them, Abigail will also find the place where God wants her to be. Journey with Abigail as she listens to ONE angel, sails with TWO fishermen, finds THREE deer, then SIX, then more! Count with Abigail all the way to her true home.
Format: board book
Page Length: 24 pages
Ages: 1-5
The North Star is always above me because I live in Alaska. Father Herman is our North Star, forever guiding us in God's way.
- from North Star: St Herman of Alaska
In 1774, a group of Russian Orthodox missionaries landed on Kodiak Island, Alaska, with the intent to preach the Gospel. Of this initial effort there survived one monk, Father Herman, who lived among the Aleut people for more than forty years and earned the loving nickname Apa, or "grandfather." Saint Herman's sense of humor, strict asceticism and care for the physical and spiritual needs of the natives left a memorable legacy.
In this charming volume, author and illustrator Dorrie Papademetriou captures the divine spark that shone in the monk Herman and reflects it across the pages. The world of Apa and the Aleuts comes alive in vibrant illustrations while readers are warmed by the words of this human heart aflame with divine love.
Format: Hardcover
Page Length: 32
Pages: 66
Binding: Hardcover
The twentieth century was a period of incredible suffering and violence out of which emerged many saints of the holy Orthodox Church. Saint Alexander of Munich is one such river of holiness of the modern period.
As the dark clouds of the Second World War enveloped Europe, Alexander Schmorell, and a group of close friends, felt compelled to speak out against the atrocities of the Nazi regime. This is their story of courage, strength, and self-sacrificial love—this is the story of the White Rose Resistance.
Armed with the guiding principles of their Christian faith, Alexander Schmorell and his friends discovered something wonderful—that purpose in life comes not from the acquisition of wealth, power, or position, but in striving to imitate Christ’s example through love, service, and sacrifice for one’s fellow man.
In this heartwarming children's book, we see the love and service of a young princess who visited Christian prisoners a thousand years ago in Spain. Miracles can happen when we show our love for others in action.
Author: Melinda Johnson
Illustrator: Kristina Tartara
Board book: 20 pages
In this book, young readers encounter a Russian hermit who has to solve a problem: he has run out of food. In the end, and with a little help from some friendly fishermen, he manages to fill his cups.
Author: Melinda Johnson
Illustrator: Kristina Tartara
Board book: 22 pages
by Melinda Johnson, illustrated by Kristina Tartara
Saint Ia Rides a Leaf is a charming story from the life of Saint Ia, an Irish missionary to England in the fifth or sixth century. The town and parish of St Ives in Cornwall, England, are named for her, and she is commemorated on February 3 in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Join Saint Ia and her animal friends on an adventure to spread the Gospel!
Author: Melinda Johnson
Illustrator: Kristina Tartara
Board book: 24 pages
Pages: 66
Binding: Hardcover
"I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, 'Make straight the way of the Lord.'" (Luke 3:4)
God used these words to inform his people that He would send a great prophet shortly before Christ appeared in the world. He would call people to prepare the way of their hearts to welcome Christ. This great prophet was none other than Saint John, whome we call "the Forerunner" because of this very mission.
Written by the fathers of the Sacred Monastery of Mesa Potamou for young readers, the book begins with an explanation of the prophets and their mission. It then tells the entire story of the wondrous life of the greatest man born of women, Saint John the Baptizer. (Luke 7:28)
Artist Angeliki Deleha's moving illustrations bring Saint John to life in his roles as prophet, apostle, and martyr, including his first meeting with the Savior while yet unborn, as a child in Judean wilderness, his baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ, his imprisonment, and martyrdom.
The book also includes a catalog of feastdays dedicated to the Forerunner, and a short history of the Sacred Monastery of Mesa Potamou, Cyprus, who has as its patron Saint John.
This book tells the story of an incredible and beloved contemporary Saint of our holy Orthodox Church, Luke the Physician and Holy Hierarch. He lived a life of service and struggle within the Russian Empire, during a period of tumultuous change, chaos, suffering, and death.
Persevering through two world wars and repeated persecution, Saint Luke proved himself a mighty river of holiness. His faith and courage in the midst of devastating personal loss and uncertainty remind us that, with God, all things are possible to him who believes!
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 40
Inside this book you will discover the wondrous life of a pure childlike heart—Saint Paisios of the Holy Mountain—a dearly beloved contemporary saint of the holy Orthodox Church.
The life of Saint Paisios was marked by ascetic struggles, fervent love for God, and ceaseless prayers. As a receptacle of the Holy Spirit, he became a river of holiness nourishing countless people on the love of Christ
Today, an endless stream of pilgrims make the trip to his resting place in Northern Greece in order to venerate his grave and ask for his holy prayers. May he intercede fora ll of us before the Savior!
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 52
Freedom, Power, Strength.
These he would gain, then lose...
Released from slavery and no longer frightened by his master's whip, Moses uses his new freedom and great physical strength to rob and destroy. Consumed by his own desires and unable to escape the reminders of his past, Moses must learn of the True Source of freedom and power. Meet St. Moses the Strong, also known as St. Moses the Black, as he surpasses his physical strength with spiritual discipline, obtaining the crown that thieves can neither harm nor steal. This is the third graphic novel in the Among the Saints series - written to inspire both children and adults.
About the Author: Gabriel grew up sketching his favorite characters and imagining far off places in the woods of Indiana. After studying illustration and drawing at Herron School of Art and Design in Indianapolis, the idea for Among the Saints took root in his heart to share the lives of Saints in a way that his younger self would have read and enjoyed. He resides in Indiana (near those same woods) with his wife and four daughters. In his free time he enjoys gaming with his brothers, learning about Japanese culture, longboarding with his daughter, and spending lots of Sundays with family and friends at his parish, Saint Stephen the First Martyr.
Age Range: 10+ years
Author and Illustrator: Gabriel Wilson
Paperback: 124 pages
By Christine Rogers
Young Spyros spends his days fishing, octopus hunting, and dreaming of attending school like his best friend, Niko. When he encounters an elderly man on the beach after an accident, his whole life begins to shift and change. But who is this mysterious, saintly man, and why is his friendship so important? Take a short trip back in time to the Greek island of Corfu and discover the real reason for the mystery surrounding Spyridon's shoes.
About the Author: Kh. Christine Rogers is married to Fr. John Rogers and is the mother of four. She is also the author of The Road to Golgotha. A life-long Alaskan, she enjoys indoorsy activities like reading, sewing and not camping, and can often be found in the church kitchen cooking for anywhere from 50-300 people.
Age Range: 7 - 12 years
Author: Christine Rogers
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 5.25 X 7.5 inches
Page Length: 104 pages
Illustrations by Dcn. Paul Drozdowski
Written by priest Daniel Marshall
This hardbound, 32-page, full-color life of St. Seraphim of Sarov delights with lavish, historically-accurate illustrations and inspiring stories that every young Christian will enjoy reading again and again. Short sayings patterned after the Lord’s Beatitudes present St. Seraphim’s wisdom in clear, memorable phrases.
Published with the blessing of His Grace, Bishop Peter of Cleveland.
You and your children (and Godchildren!) will learn:
- St. Seraphim's advice to those who visited him
- The most interesting events in his life
- Virtues toward which all Christians can struggle
- A window to an era of great piety in Russia
“This is the best children’s Orthodox book I’ve seen!”
— Heiromonk Alexander, Hermitage of the Holy Cross
"Today, perhaps more then ever before, our young people need lessons to live by, and this book masterfully provides them from the life of one of our favorite Saints."
— Very Rev. Martin Swanson, Rector St. Basil the Great Orthodox Church
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"It was a cruel invention, this wheel. A wheel that forced submission from those beneath it..."
Young Katherine, born into noble wealth with an insatiable hunger for knowledge, surpasses even her tutors when it comes to learning. But her learning counts for nothing when she meets the only man worthy of her - her heavenly Bridegroom. Trading worldly knowledge for eternal wisdom, Katherine challenges even the emperor himself - and he prepares a cruel invention to break her. Meet this great bride of Christ in the second graphic novel in the Among the Saints series - written to inspire both children and adults.
About the Author: Gabriel lives near his childhood home in rural Indiana with his wife Emily and their three daughters. Their home is over 100 years old - a true fixer-upper - and the subject of many of his woodworking projects. In his free time, he pursues carpentry and music and enjoys making homemade tacos with his wife and sketching with his daughters. Graphic novels are his favorite form of artwork, and aside from his comics based on the lives of saints, he has other secular novels in the works.
Author: Gabriel Wilson
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 7 x 10 inches
Page Length: 104 pages
The Illustrated Children's Bible is the perfect picture and storybook for young ones and an ideal first reader your children will treasure. Lead your child into a lifetime love of the Bible with this colorful storybook. With nearly 300 beautiful two-page illustrations to capture even the youngest child's imagination and heart, this vast collection of the Bible's most-loved stories is just right for sharing together or reading alone throughout the day.
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 607
The Good Samaritan is a first-of-its-kind catechism written specifically for young people (ages 6-12) to communicate the unchanging truths of the Orthodox Faith in the most accessible and engaging way. This beautifully illustrated, hard cover book (100+ pages) catechism follows the patristic model of sin as illness, Christ as the Medicine and the Church as the Hospital for the healing of the soul.
The introduction and thirteen interrelated chapters form a perfect kid-friendly catechism for use with priests, Sunday school teachers, and parents. Chapters can be taken in one-at-a-time, as brief lessons or as bedtime story reading. It may also be used as part of a homeschooling curriculum.
In the catechism we are taken from life in Paradise (Lesson 1), through the Fall of Adam (Lesson 2) and the reality of sin (Lesson 3), and into life and redemption through Jesus Christ (Lesson 4). In The Church (Lesson 5) we then encounter Holy Tradition (Lesson 6), the dynamic "river" that runs through the midst of the Church and provides the living water for thirsty souls. The treasure of Holy Tradition then presents the Holy Mysteries of the Priesthood (Lesson 7), the Eucharist (Lesson 8), and Baptism (Lesson 9), along with Repentance and Confession (Lesson 10), all of which are essential for the health and salvation of our souls. Finally, Prayer (Lesson 11), Fasting (Lesson 12) and Almsgiving (Lesson 13) are shown to be the indispensable means of union with God and as life-giving manifestations of faith, hope, and love.
The text brings together Father Michael Shanbour's many years of work and interaction with young people (particularly pre-teen children) as a youth director and priest, for the purpose of sharing the fundamental truths of the Faith as taught and lived out in the Orthodox Christian Church. Nicholas Malara's illustrations and artistic formatting help to bring the teachings to life.
Author: Fr Michael Shanbour
Illustrator: Nicholas Malara
Pages: 106
Οur Saints are the best role models, who never lose their worth, no matter how many years go by. Saint Catherine, is a wonderful example of a young girl of noble birth from Alexandria, Egypt, who was endowed with exceptional physical beauty and great wisdom; she was, therefore, able to face even the wisest idolaters of her time. Once she recognized the One and True God, she sacrificed everything, wealth, comfort and glory, so that she could stay close to Christ for eternity.
Format: Softcover
Number of Pages: 24
Our Saints are our greatest mentors. The example they have set for us can never lose its value with the passage of time. Their lives is the subject of a new series entitled “The life of our Saints”, which is published in Greek, English and Russian by Athos Children books. The first book is dedicated to the holy, glorious Great martyr St. George who lived in the late 3rd century. His name means “worker of the land”.
Paperback, 24 pages.
A festive children’s book about the joy of a farmer and his little daughter as they work their vineyard and offer the fruit of the vine back to their Creator in Eucharistic celebration. The reader takes in the mystery of grapes becoming the wine of the Holy Communion as the illustrations and the text lead from field to wine cellar to church.
A picture book for preschool and up.
Hardcover: 32 pages
At Pascha, Orthodox all over the world dye and bless red eggs. Here is the story of how this tradition started—way back in apostolic times, with St. Mary Magdalene and a blessed miracle that dazzled the unbelieving Roman emperor with the reality and power of Christ's Resurrection.
32 pages; hardcover.
Since ancient times, a glorious miracle has taken place each year at the Church of the All-Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. The miracle is called the Holy Light, and it occurs on Great Saturday of Holy Week, when it is received solely by the Patriarch of Jerusalem—and then shared with a multitude of Orthodox pilgrims!
This book tells the true story of how, in 1926, a young monk named Father Microphones came to witness the mystery of the Holy Light with his own eyes! Learn the dramatic story behind this event, what the monk saw, and other incredible details about the site of our Lord's burial.
Format: hardcover
Pages: 52
This book shares the story of the last Russian emperor and his family in which there are both happy memories and great hardships. In their daily life, we find examples of courage, patience, wisdom, love, and faith. Their life was not necessarily what one would expect for an Emperor and his family; there was much more than fancy clothes and delicious food. They nursed the sick, ate porridge, kayaked along the Finnish coastline, and cared for chickens. Now we know them as Royal Martyrs: deeply pious Orthodox Christians who laid down their lives for the Faith, and as role models of Christian virtue who showed kindness even to the guards who taunted them.
Format: Hardcover
56 pages
The grace of God is made manifest in the marvelous world which surrounds us. This is apparent both in the beauty of the natural world and in the everyday blessings in our lives. Yet history is filled with instances of supernatural grace, or miracles. Such was the appearance of the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God found by a hunter in a forest near the Tuscary river. The text for this coloring book gives the history of this icon, miracles associated with it -- including the healing of St Seraphim of Sarov, and the hymns associated with the feast in the Orthodox Christian Church.
The artwork includes lavish borders in an old Russian the style which will be a joy to color. With illustrations and borders to color and interesting text to inspire, this will make an excellent gift or school room resource.
Age Range: 5-12 years
Format: Paperback
Page Length: 32 pages