An invaluable year-round devotional resource. Contains akathists to our Saviour, the Mother of God, and various saints.
Table of Contents:
Akathist to the Most Holy and Life-giving Trinity
Akathists to the Saviour
Our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ
The Divine Passion of Christ
The Precious Cross
The Tomb and Resurrection of the Lord
The Resurrection of Christ
For Holy Communion
Akathists to the Most Holy Theotokos
The Akathist to our Most Holy Lady Theotokos
In Honor of the Dormition of the Theotokos
To the Theotokos, the Joy of All Who Sorrow
In Honor of the Kursk Root Icon of the Sign
Akathists to Various Saints
St. Alexis, Man of God
The Holy Great Martyr George
St. Herman of Alaska
St. John the Baptist
St. John of Kronstadt
St. John the Theologian
The Holy Archangel Michael
St. Nicholas
The Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon
St. Seraphim of Sarov
St. Simon the Zealot
For the Repose of the Departed
Music for Typical Akathist Refrains
Hardcover book in English.
Form: Hardcover
Pages: 403
Includes Canons, Akathists, Troparia, Daily Prayers, the Divine Liturgy and more. Beautifully bound in maroon color and gold embossed. Follows the Russian usage. Traditional English. Has Morning Prayers and Evening Prayers rather than Compline. This book is frequently referred to as "The Jordanville Prayer Book" because Holy Trinity Monastery and the Printshop of St Job of Pochaev are located in the town of Jordanville.