This deeply moving canon of prayer eloquently expresses the heart-felt anguish of anyone in need of praying for a sick child. Includes a full introduction of insightful counsels by a Russian Orthodox Priest-Pediatrician, and the following prayers at the end: Prayer for a Sick Child, Prayer for a Child Suffering Great Pain, Prayer of Thanksgiving for Healing.
O Lord, show the power of Thy mercy!
Format: Softcover
Pages: 36
Form: Hardcover
Pages: 403
Includes Canons, Akathists, Troparia, Daily Prayers, the Divine Liturgy and more. Beautifully bound in maroon color and gold embossed. Follows the Russian usage. Traditional English. Has Morning Prayers and Evening Prayers rather than Compline. This book is frequently referred to as "The Jordanville Prayer Book" because Holy Trinity Monastery and the Printshop of St Job of Pochaev are located in the town of Jordanville.