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Lantern of Grace


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Author: Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov

In the early years of his life, Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov, the author of this memorable book, was under the spiritual guidance of St. John (Maximovitch) of Shanghai, who subsequently ordained him to the diaconate. After Archbishop John’s canonization on June 19/July 2, 1994, Father Valery set as his goal to share the miraculous events of the glorification with a wide audience of believers through the publication of his book, Lantern of Grace – in Russian (1999), followed by the English translation (2004). The book was reissued as an enlarged Russian edition (2010), that embraced our younger generation, including stories and reminiscences of students, altar boys, orphans, and numerous other people from various walks of life, whom St. John helped in time of need. The present extended English edition (2017) incorporates additional material on Vladyka’s life, his repose and the funeral, the uncovering and re-vesting of his relics, preceding the canonization, and the ever memorable and joyous glorification. This book contains a collection of precious photographs of Vladyka John, a saint who was our contemporary.

As readers make their way through the pages of this book, we hope they will feel the blessing bestowed by the hand of this wondrous miracle-worker. We trust that, guided by the ever-present Hand of God, they will discover a fresh, new source of faith and hope.

400 pages

Format: hardcover

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