The Good Samaritan is a first-of-its-kind catechism written specifically for young people (ages 6-12) to communicate the unchanging truths of the Orthodox Faith in the most accessible and engaging way. This beautifully illustrated, hard cover book (100+ pages) catechism follows the patristic model of sin as illness, Christ as the Medicine and the Church as the Hospital for the healing of the soul.
The introduction and thirteen interrelated chapters form a perfect kid-friendly catechism for use with priests, Sunday school teachers, and parents. Chapters can be taken in one-at-a-time, as brief lessons or as bedtime story reading. It may also be used as part of a homeschooling curriculum.
In the catechism we are taken from life in Paradise (Lesson 1), through the Fall of Adam (Lesson 2) and the reality of sin (Lesson 3), and into life and redemption through Jesus Christ (Lesson 4). In The Church (Lesson 5) we then encounter Holy Tradition (Lesson 6), the dynamic "river" that runs through the midst of the Church and provides the living water for thirsty souls. The treasure of Holy Tradition then presents the Holy Mysteries of the Priesthood (Lesson 7), the Eucharist (Lesson 8), and Baptism (Lesson 9), along with Repentance and Confession (Lesson 10), all of which are essential for the health and salvation of our souls. Finally, Prayer (Lesson 11), Fasting (Lesson 12) and Almsgiving (Lesson 13) are shown to be the indispensable means of union with God and as life-giving manifestations of faith, hope, and love.
The text brings together Father Michael Shanbour's many years of work and interaction with young people (particularly pre-teen children) as a youth director and priest, for the purpose of sharing the fundamental truths of the Faith as taught and lived out in the Orthodox Christian Church. Nicholas Malara's illustrations and artistic formatting help to bring the teachings to life.
Author: Fr Michael Shanbour
Illustrator: Nicholas Malara
Pages: 106
Form: Hardcover
Pages: 403
Includes Canons, Akathists, Troparia, Daily Prayers, the Divine Liturgy and more. Beautifully bound in maroon color and gold embossed. Follows the Russian usage. Traditional English. Has Morning Prayers and Evening Prayers rather than Compline. This book is frequently referred to as "The Jordanville Prayer Book" because Holy Trinity Monastery and the Printshop of St Job of Pochaev are located in the town of Jordanville.
Author: (Taushev), Archbishop Averky
Form: Paperback
Pages: 176
The task of man’s earthly life is preparing himself for eternal salvation and blessedness. To attain this, a man must live in a holy and pure manner - that is, according to God’s will.
In this short but incisive treatise the reader is guided on a spiritual journey that begins with the awakening of conscience and the realization of the presence of both sin and virtue in the world, culminating in a union with God: that is “a living, personal relationship with the one we love.” In following the path of this ascent the author delineates many of its markers and stresses that these have both personal and societal aspects.
This book is suitable for both private reading and group study. Questions for discussion or contemplation are interspersed throughout this edition. A short biography of the author is also included.
1 Conscience and Moral Responsibility
2 The Nature of Sin
3 Virtue
4 God’s Law
5 Freedom of Will
6 The Christian “I”
7 Humility
8 Conversion of Sinners
9 Grace and Salvation
10 Learning and Religion
11 Emotional Development
12 Emotional Development in Children and on Christian Hope
13 The Education and Development of Man’s Will
14 Strengthening the Will with Work and Vows
15 The Struggle against Lust
16 Drunkenness, Greed, and Other Carnal Problems; Christian Death
17 Christian Justice
18 Falsehood: Christian Charity
19 Envy; Cursing and Anger
20 Insolvent Ethical Systems
21 Christian Love as the Basic Principle of Morality
22 The Orthodox Family
23 Family and Society; Patriotism
24 Christian Service; War
25 The Unity of Love for God and for Neighbor
26 The Christian Obligation to Know God
27 The Necessity of Prayer
28 The Model of Christian Prayer
29 Prayer; Feasts and Fasts
Appendix 1: A Short Biography of Metropolitan Philaret
Appendix 2: The Transfer of the Blessed Remains of Metropolitan Philaret
Appendix 3: Metropolitan Philaret on Christianity and Communism
Scripture Index
Copyright Holy Trinity Publications