The Orthodox Study Bible is the fruit of over twenty years of labor by many of the best Orthodox Christian theologians of our time. Here, by the grace of God, you will find the living water of His Word with comprehensive study guides and teachings that bring to our modern world the mind of the ancient Christian Church. It is the first-ever full-length (Old and New Testaments) Orthodox Study Bible in English.
What’s new in 2019?
The Ancient Faith Edition (released 2019) contains the identical content you know and love from the previous, most current release of the Orthodox Study Bible, including the same commentaries, notes, supplemental articles, and full-color icons and maps.
Format: Hardcover
Dimensions: 6.7 X 9.5 inches
Page Length: 1864 pages
Publisher: Produced exclusively for Ancient Faith Publishing
Form: Hardcover
Pages: 403
Includes Canons, Akathists, Troparia, Daily Prayers, the Divine Liturgy and more. Beautifully bound in maroon color and gold embossed. Follows the Russian usage. Traditional English. Has Morning Prayers and Evening Prayers rather than Compline. This book is frequently referred to as "The Jordanville Prayer Book" because Holy Trinity Monastery and the Printshop of St Job of Pochaev are located in the town of Jordanville.