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Akathist to Martyr Varus, Holy Intercessor for Family Members Who Reposed Outside the Orthodox Faith


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One often hears converts to Orthodoxy express their sorrow that there are no Orthodox prayers one may offer on behalf of their beloved relatives who have departed this life outside the Church.  Over the past several years a wondrous fervor of veneration for the holy Martyr Varus has blossomed forth, especially in Russia, as a heavenly intercessor for those who died outside the Faith.  The memorable Patriarch Alexis II noted: "Chapels are being built in honor of the martyr Varus, and icons are being painted.  From his life it follows that he possessed a special desire to pray to God for those who died unbaptized."

This new release is tenth in our well-known Akathist Series, printed in an attractive, pocket-sized format, with extra-sturdy covers intended for frequent use.  Includes several full-color depictions of the Saint.

Format: Softcover

Pages: 36

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