Author: St Tikhon of Zadonsk
Form: Paperback
Pages: 536
— About the Book —
As a merchant gathers various goods from different countries and carries them home and stores them up, so the Christian may gather edifying thoughts and lay them up in the storeroom of his heart, and enrich his soul with them.
Drawing upon numerous examples from daily life and human relationships, St Tikhon weaves together wisdom on how to live a life pleasing to God. His words are frequently embellished by scripture and together these call the reader to repentance and a fuller embrace of godly living. In a world that typically only values material goods his writing constantly reminds the reader of that which is of true value — the knowledge and love of God.
The reader also finds encouragement in the struggle to overcome sin and to acquire virtue which is the fundamental battle of the Christian as the war is waged against the passions. It is a fight worth the effort. St Tikhon’s message is clear: True riches are not of this world, but of the age to come. These riches both can and should be acquired now. As the reader progresses deeper into this work his soul will find refreshment, purpose and meaning for his life.
— Author Biography —
St Tikhon of Zadonsk was an 18th century bishop and spiritual writer of the Russian Orthodox Church. Consecrated a bishop in 1761, he zealously and wisely administered the diocese of Voronezh for seven years before retiring to a monastery in Zadonsk due to poor health. In retirement, he was remembered for his deep piety, humility, and love for his fellow man. St Tikhon reposed in 1783 at the age of 59. His incorrupt relics were discovered in 1846 and he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1861. St Tikhon’s life and works inspired the great Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky, and he is considered to be an inspiration for the characters of Bishop Tikhon (The Demons) and Alyosha Karamazov and Elder Zosima (The Brothers Karamazov).
Seraphim Englehardt is a freelance translator and editor based in Simpsonville, South Carolina. He has previously translated classics of Russian spiritual literature such as How to Live a Holy Life, by Metropolitan Gregory (Postnikov), and St. Theophan the Recluse's commentary on Psalm 118.
— Contents —
1 The World
2 The Sun
3 Father and Children
4 Master and Servant
5 A King and His Honored Subject—a Criminal
6 Captives and Their Liberator
7 A Master and the Servant Whom He Purchased
8 A Captive and His Liberator
9 Joyous News for Criminals
10 The King Who out of Compassion Visits People Living in Poverty
11 The Death Penalty for a Condemned Man
12 A King, Awaited by Citizens, His Arrival in the City, and His Reception by the Citizens
13 A Low-ranking Person Adopted by a High-ranking Person
14 A Benefactor and the Ungrateful Man Who Receives a Benefaction from Him
15 A King and His Subject Who Asks a Favor of Him
16 The Vine and the Branches
17 Head and Body
18 The Members of the Body among Themselves
19 Sheep
20 Goats
21 Shepherd and Flock
22 Bridegroom and Bride
23 Warfare
24 A Wayfarer
25 A Wayfarer and a Guide
26 A Stranger or Wanderer
27 A Citizen
28 A Dinner or Supper
29 A Curtain or Veil
30 A Deaf Man
31 A Seed
32 Sowing and Harvesting
33 The Right Hand
34 The Giving King and the Thief of His Gift
35 Turn Back! Do Not Go That Way!
36 Don’t Touch That! It’s Poison!
37 Weeping
38 Debt
39 A Master Who Is Calling a Servant
40 Servants Awaiting Their Master
41 A Man Summoned to Court
42 A Person Covered with Wounds
43 A Blind Man Restrained
44 A Tall Tree in the Midst of Short Trees
45 A Sensible Head
46 Desire
47 Happiness
48 A Burning Candle
49 A Sword Hanging over a Head
50 A Net
51 Drunkenness
52 A Mirror
53 One Emerging from Darkness, Prison, Captivity, and the Like
54 Shame
55 I Cannot Escape Anywhere from You
56 The Master Is Here
57 A King Who Enters a City or House
58 Woe
59 A Good Tree
60 Slime or Mud on the Bottom of a Spring
61 A Person Who Has Fallen among Robbers and Been Injured by Them
62 A Hospital or Infirmary
63 Poison, Hidden in a Person
64 Warfare
65 Calling
66 Your Father Has Been Waiting for You a Long Time. Do Not Tarry!
67 And We Will Go There
68 Spring
69 Get Up!
70 Livestock
71 Turning
72 Imitation
73 The Safe Path
74 A Mirror
75 Plague
76 Following Like Cattle
77 A Lamp
78 A Blind Man and a Sighted Man Accompanying Him
79 A Subject Who Violates the Law in the Presence of His King
80 A Servant Offended in the Presence of His Master
81 Royal Mercy Promised to Transgressors, and Announced, and Shown to Those Who Turn Themselves Around
82 Tares among the Wheat
83 Why Are You Here?
84 A Lie
85 A Hen
86 A Poultice
87 Where Are You Going? There Will Be Misfortune for You There
88 Why Have You Stopped?
89 Fasting
90 Renunciation of Christ
91 A Servant Who Knows, and One Who Does Not Know, the Will of His Master
92 Take Stock of Yourself!
93 A Shield
94 Peace
95 A Straight and a Crooked Tree
96 Water Flows from High Mountains to Low-Lying Areas
97 Water Flowing By
98 Now You Are Freed from All Misfortunes
99 A Small Sapling
100 Repose
101 A Bridle
102 Follow Me
103 Study
104 The Alphabet
105 Teacher and Pupils
106 I Am Greatly in Your Debt
107 The Memory of an Absent Benefactor
108 He Did His Work and Left
109 Citizens Awaiting Their King in Their City
110 One Will Be Taken and the Other Will Be Left
111 An Oath
112 A Bathhouse
113 A Maiden Betrothed to a Man
114 A Ship
115 Whose Are You?
116 They Are in Concert
117 A King Summons His Subject to Him by an Edict
118 I Will Come Tomorrow
119 A Gardener Cuts Down a Barren Tree
120 Snares Placed on the Path
121 A Great Thing
122 Do Not Be Afraid, I Am with You
123 A Belch
124 A Boat or Vessel on a River
125 The Knowledge of Misfortune or Trouble Induces Us to Seek Deliverance
126 A Pauper
127 A Treasure
128 Witnesses
129 Whom Should I Love, If Not Him?
130 A Full and an Empty Vessel
131 Whoever Loves Something Seeks after It
132 A Perceived Good Is Sought For
133 Everything Finds Repose in Its Own Place
134 A Migrant
135 Servants Sent by the Master to Invite Guests to Dinner
136 A Guard
137 Do Not Touch It; You Cannot Lift It
138 Everyone Avoids a Perceived Evil
139 Little Children
140 Those Who Eat and Drink at Table, and Others Who Are Hungry, but Not Allowed There for Their Own Fault
141 Those Who Enter the King’s Bridal Chamber
142 Light and Darkness
143 I Am Ashamed to Look at You
144 Internecine Strife
145 A Bee That Wounds with Its Sting
146 A Wounded Man Is Wounded Again
147 A Mirror Shows the Smudges on a Face
148 How Could I Forget Him!
149 We Shall Be Safe There
150 A Painting Is Spoiled
151 I Am Not Your Brother
152 The Path
153 The Belly
154 A Man Falls into a Pit That He Himself Has Dug
155 Being Pleasing
156 A Swindler
157 One Event Brings a Similar One to Mind
Издание на русском языке, в твердом переплете, содержит дополнительные вкладки: О здравии, Об упокоения, Молитва об усопшем, О молитве за усопших, Дни особого поминовения усопших.
This hard cover commemoration book offers 17 pages for commemoration of the living, and 11 pages for the commemoration of the departed.
Dimensions: 4.25" x 6"
We are pleased to offer this new edition of the Akathist to St. John the Wonderworker. He is a saint of our times, beloved by those around the world, who continues to work countless miracles. As His Grace Bishop James relates in his Foreword to the Akathist, the miracles and extraordinary accounts concerning St. John “assure us that we are not alone in facing the difficult challenges of earthly life. Indeed, the Lord Himself promised: Behold, I shall not leave you orphans (John 14:18). St. John fulfilled this promise, having cared for so many orphans during his lifetime; and as his constant miracles attest, he continues to care for us. Therefore, let us not allow ourselves to become spiritual orphans through worrying and being anxious: may we instead turn to him in prayer and ask for his bold intercessions before our Lord.” Full-color cover and inner pages, richly illustrated with several icons of St. John.
Full-color cover and inner pages.
Format: Softcover
Pages: 28
Softcover: 272 pages
He was a rare, contemporary manifestation of the ascetic bishops of old, in whom a bold confession of the truth emerged in an organic way from the whole life in Christ. He was blameless in the Way, pure in the Life, and incorrupt in repose. He was the Blessed Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York (1903-1985), an exponent of the Truth of the Gospel like few in his generation.
In this comprehensive collection the full spectrum of the holy hierarch’s saintliness, humility, prayer, ascetic life and confession of Orthodox Faith shines forth before the reader.
Herein, you, the pious reader, gain access to a timeless source of arch-pastoral guidance on matters pertaining to the One Faith, to the Orthodox Way, and to the life and history of the Russian Church Abroad. Moreover, you will inevitably be inspired to celebration, and thus also imitation, by the valiant witness of this contemporary “pillar of Orthodoxy,” who “rightly divided the word of Truth.”
A thorough biography, over three dozen homilies, articles, epistles and encyclicals by Blessed Metropolitan Philaret, the new confessor, a preface by His Grace Bishop Luke of Syracuse, over twenty-five photographs and two appendices make this book essential reading for all pious Orthodox Christians desiring to know and follow the Holy Fathers.