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Nevsky's Books is a church bookstore affiliated with St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Howell, NJ

Good News, Bad News


Eight-year-old Steven desperately wants to win the top prize in his school’s fundraising campaign - a shiny new BMX bike. The good news is that just selling lots of boxes of cheese and sausage will help him win. The bad news? He’s willing to break rules and bend the truth to make his dream come true. Meet Steven and his family - older brother, Paul, who is glad he doesn’t have to sell stuff; little sister, Sophia, who tries to keep the peace between her battling brothers; Dad, an Orthodox priest, busy with his own fundraising to build a new church; and Mom, just trying to keep up with all the activity. Enter into this charming world of a young clergy family - a place where God’s presence is revealed in unexpected ways.

Age Range: 7-12 years

Format: Paperback

Page Length: 88 pages