Abigail is happy on the island of Inisheer, but God has other plans for her! An angel asks Abigail to search for nine white deer in the woods across the sea. When she finds them, Abigail will also find the place where God wants her to be. Journey with Abigail as she listens to ONE angel, sails with TWO fishermen, finds THREE deer, then SIX, then more! Count with Abigail all the way to her true home.
Format: board book
Page Length: 24 pages
Ages: 1-5
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This double-sided hanging icon is a high-resolution print on hardboard.
2.25" diameter
Blessed by the clergy at our affiliated church.
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High-resolution canvas print on wood with rounded corners.
Measures length 10", width 7.2", height 0.40"
Blessed by the clergy at our affiliated church.
These prayers instill a sincere gratitude for the tireless vigilance and care of one's Guardian Angel, awakening an awareness of their ever-present closeness.
Includes a Forward by Priest George Calciu of Romania, who resposed in 2006.
Rejoice, O Angel of the Lord, my tireless Guardian!"
Format: Softcover
Pages: 40