Author: Fr. Afanasy Belyaev
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 136
...for the last time the former rulers of their own home had gathered to fervently pray, tearfully, and on bended knee, imploring that the Lord help and intercede for them in all of their sorrows and misfortunes.
Thus the Archpriest Afanasy Belyaev described the faith and piety of the Russian Imperial family, whom he served as priest and confessor, on the occasion of the Tsarevich’s thirteenth birthday. These selected excerpts from the chaplain’s diary open a window into the souls of the now sainted Royal Family and the struggles endured in their first five months of confinement following the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II in early 1917.
Russian cultural historian Marilyn Pfeifer Swezey sets the diary in its historical context and offers an epilogue to complete the story of the Romanov’s journey to martyrdom at the hands of a Bolshevik firing squad in a Siberian basement. Also included is a short life of Fr Afanasy and biographical information regarding the various persons appearing in the work. This anniversary edition has been copiously illustrated throughout with color and black and white photos (some rarely or never published before) as well as charts and maps.
Form: Hardcover
Pages: 403
Includes Canons, Akathists, Troparia, Daily Prayers, the Divine Liturgy and more. Beautifully bound in maroon color and gold embossed. Follows the Russian usage. Traditional English. Has Morning Prayers and Evening Prayers rather than Compline. This book is frequently referred to as "The Jordanville Prayer Book" because Holy Trinity Monastery and the Printshop of St Job of Pochaev are located in the town of Jordanville.
Издание на русском языке, в твердом переплете, содержит дополнительные вкладки: О здравии, Об упокоения, Молитва об усопшем, О молитве за усопших, Дни особого поминовения усопших.
This hard cover commemoration book offers 17 pages for commemoration of the living, and 11 pages for the commemoration of the departed.
Dimensions: 4.25" x 6"
Set of 10, quick-lite charcoal rounds.