Издание на русском языке, в твердом переплете, содержит дополнительные вкладки: О здравии, Об упокоения, Молитва об усопшем, О молитве за усопших, Дни особого поминовения усопших.
This hard cover commemoration book offers 17 pages for commemoration of the living, and 11 pages for the commemoration of the departed.
Dimensions: 4.25" x 6"
We are pleased to offer this new edition of the Akathist to St. John the Wonderworker. He is a saint of our times, beloved by those around the world, who continues to work countless miracles. As His Grace Bishop James relates in his Foreword to the Akathist, the miracles and extraordinary accounts concerning St. John “assure us that we are not alone in facing the difficult challenges of earthly life. Indeed, the Lord Himself promised: Behold, I shall not leave you orphans (John 14:18). St. John fulfilled this promise, having cared for so many orphans during his lifetime; and as his constant miracles attest, he continues to care for us. Therefore, let us not allow ourselves to become spiritual orphans through worrying and being anxious: may we instead turn to him in prayer and ask for his bold intercessions before our Lord.” Full-color cover and inner pages, richly illustrated with several icons of St. John.
Full-color cover and inner pages.
Format: Softcover
Pages: 28
Softcover: 272 pages
He was a rare, contemporary manifestation of the ascetic bishops of old, in whom a bold confession of the truth emerged in an organic way from the whole life in Christ. He was blameless in the Way, pure in the Life, and incorrupt in repose. He was the Blessed Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York (1903-1985), an exponent of the Truth of the Gospel like few in his generation.
In this comprehensive collection the full spectrum of the holy hierarch’s saintliness, humility, prayer, ascetic life and confession of Orthodox Faith shines forth before the reader.
Herein, you, the pious reader, gain access to a timeless source of arch-pastoral guidance on matters pertaining to the One Faith, to the Orthodox Way, and to the life and history of the Russian Church Abroad. Moreover, you will inevitably be inspired to celebration, and thus also imitation, by the valiant witness of this contemporary “pillar of Orthodoxy,” who “rightly divided the word of Truth.”
A thorough biography, over three dozen homilies, articles, epistles and encyclicals by Blessed Metropolitan Philaret, the new confessor, a preface by His Grace Bishop Luke of Syracuse, over twenty-five photographs and two appendices make this book essential reading for all pious Orthodox Christians desiring to know and follow the Holy Fathers.
Переплет: мягкий
Страниц: 109
Молитва семьи, как молитва малой Церкви Христовой, угодна Богу, радует Ангелов, стремительно восходит к Небесам. Православной семье, для помощи в молитве, и преподносит наше издательство сей молитвослов — если не на все, то на многие случаи жизни. Да будут молитвы наших семей благоугодны и благоприятны Богу Вышнему!
Книга на русском языке, с ударением, в мягком переплете.
Dimensions: 4.5" x 6.6" x 0.13"
Дети - это наше будущее, главное богатство не только своих родителей, но и всего мира. И испокон веков люди обращали молитвы о здоровье, благополучии, счастье и успехе своих детей к Господу, Богоматери, святым и ангелу-хранителю. В нашем молитвослове собраны все основные православные молитвы, с которыми вы можете обратиться к Высшим Силам о том, чтобы ваши дети были здоровы и счастливы. Также вы найдете здесь и моления для будущих родителей, которые только ожидают пополнения семейства. Да поможет Господь вам и вашим детям!
Книга на русском языке в мягком переплете.
Мягкий переплет, 64 стр.
In Honor of the 30th anniversary of episcopal consecration of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America & New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad
pages 257
Joint of the Eastern American and Australian Dioceses
Howell (Lakewood), New Jersey 2014
У кого только Пётр не пытался получить исцеление... Лучшие врачи оказались бессильны перед неизвестной им болезнью. Но однажды Пётр услыхал, что самые искусные врачи живут в рязанской земле, и повелел себя везти туда. Ведь сам он на коне сидеть уже не мог. После приезда разослал во все стороны своих слуг на поиски. Один из них забрёл в село, называемое Ласково, в первый попавшийся на глаза двор. Слугу никто не встретил, тогда он вошёл в дом и увидел: сидит одна-одинёшенька девушка за ткацким станком и ткёт холст, а возле неё заяц прыгает, будто ручной... В пересказе Дмитрия Харченко. Для детей среднего школьного возраста.
Книга на русском языке в мягком переплете, 17 стр.
Since ancient times, a glorious miracle has taken place each year at the Church of the All-Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. The miracle is called the Holy Light, and it occurs on Great Saturday of Holy Week, when it is received solely by the Patriarch of Jerusalem—and then shared with a multitude of Orthodox pilgrims!
This book tells the true story of how, in 1926, a young monk named Father Microphones came to witness the mystery of the Holy Light with his own eyes! Learn the dramatic story behind this event, what the monk saw, and other incredible details about the site of our Lord's burial.
Format: hardcover
Pages: 52
Author: Vladimir Tsurikov
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 426
This new, well illustrated, book studies the life and works of the first First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, the Blessed Metropolitan Antonii (Khrapovitsky). Metropolitan Antonii was the spiritual leader of the Russian Emigration that found itself uprooted in the aftermath of the Revolution of 1917 and subsequent Civil War. He had been one of the leading hierarchs in Pre-Revolutionary Russia, an advocate of the return of the Patriarchate, improved ties with other Orthodox and non Orthodox Churches, and a staunch defender of traditionalism. He was instrumental in establishing the Synod of the Russian Church Abroad in Yugoslavia, which provided a spiritual home for the Russians who found themselves in exile. Among the papers in this volume are ones studying his opposition to the Imiaslavie heresy, his missionary work, and his relationship with Patriarch Tikhon. Taken from papers delivered at a symposium dedicated to Metropolitan Antonii held at Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, NY in 2006. Articles are split between Russian and English, depending on the language originally presented in.
Pages: 66
Binding: Hardcover
"I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, 'Make straight the way of the Lord.'" (Luke 3:4)
God used these words to inform his people that He would send a great prophet shortly before Christ appeared in the world. He would call people to prepare the way of their hearts to welcome Christ. This great prophet was none other than Saint John, whome we call "the Forerunner" because of this very mission.
Written by the fathers of the Sacred Monastery of Mesa Potamou for young readers, the book begins with an explanation of the prophets and their mission. It then tells the entire story of the wondrous life of the greatest man born of women, Saint John the Baptizer. (Luke 7:28)
Artist Angeliki Deleha's moving illustrations bring Saint John to life in his roles as prophet, apostle, and martyr, including his first meeting with the Savior while yet unborn, as a child in Judean wilderness, his baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ, his imprisonment, and martyrdom.
The book also includes a catalog of feastdays dedicated to the Forerunner, and a short history of the Sacred Monastery of Mesa Potamou, Cyprus, who has as its patron Saint John.
Pages: 66
Binding: Hardcover
The twentieth century was a period of incredible suffering and violence out of which emerged many saints of the holy Orthodox Church. Saint Alexander of Munich is one such river of holiness of the modern period.
As the dark clouds of the Second World War enveloped Europe, Alexander Schmorell, and a group of close friends, felt compelled to speak out against the atrocities of the Nazi regime. This is their story of courage, strength, and self-sacrificial love—this is the story of the White Rose Resistance.
Armed with the guiding principles of their Christian faith, Alexander Schmorell and his friends discovered something wonderful—that purpose in life comes not from the acquisition of wealth, power, or position, but in striving to imitate Christ’s example through love, service, and sacrifice for one’s fellow man.
«Евангелие» значит «Благая весть». Это самая важная книга для каждого христианина, потому что в ней Господь возвещает о Своей любви к нам, о том, что ради этой любви Бог жертвует Своего Сына Иисуса Христа для того, чтобы каждый верующий в Него не погиб, но имел Жизнь Вечную.
Мы должны знать о том, как Господь Иисус Христос осуществлял наше Спасение, чтобы мы могли разделить радость спасения и чтобы жертва Иисуса Христа оказалась для нас и наших детей не напрасна. Об этом и рассказывается здесь, в этой книге.
Специально для семейного чтения, для детей и родителей подготовлено это чудесное красочное издание со множеством иллюстраций, созданных в соответствии с канонами Православной Церкви.
Книга разбита на небольшие по объему главы, каждая из которых освещает одно из событий, и благодаря этому дети смогут узнавать Евангельскую историю постепенно, легко усваивая прочитанное.
Книга на русском языке в твердом переплете, 416 стр.
Для кого-то из наших юных читателей этот молитвослов станет первым. После Евангелия это самая важная книга. Почему? На этот вопрос ответил священник Артемий Владимиров: "Потому что в нем собраны молитвы, которые для человеческой души столь же необходимы, как свет, воздух и пища... Нет для человека большей радости, чем молитва к Живому Богу. Действительно, Отец Небесный видит, слышит и любит нас! Он хранит нас от всех бед и напастей, Он заботится о нас и ведет по пути спасения. Ответить на столь великую любовь Господа мы можем в наших молитвах". В этом молитвослове есть молитвы на все случаи жизни, их оставили нам святые люди. Предки наши не зря говорили: "Молитвы читать -зла не знать".
Твердый переплет, Издательство Сибирская Благозвонница, 2013 год
Это красочная книга, рассказывающая детям о земной жизни Пресвятой Богородицы. Книга насыщена большим количеством цветных изображений, написана добрым, доступным детям языком, принесет большую духовную пользу маленьким христианам.
Книга на русском языке в твердом переплете, 240 стр.
Перед вами прекрасное, ярко оформленное и иллюстрированное подарочное издание книги, ставшей бестселлером. Николай Чудотворец - наш любимый святой, он мгновенно откликается на любую беду и проблему. Нужны работа, деньги, здоровье, семья, жилье, смысл жизни? Это к нему! Впервые в популярное издание включены неизвестные ранее истории из жития святого, исключено все сомнительное и недостоверное, дана привязка описываемых событий к самым популярным туристическим маршрутам по Турции и Италии.
Книга основана на личном опыте "общения" автора со Святителем Николаем, значительная часть случаев помощи святого собрана автором лично и публикуется впервые. Рассказ ведется в форме живого, берущего за душу художественного текста, перемежаемого пояснениями и описаниями чудесных случаев помощи Святителя. В книге дана молитва и цветная икона, чтобы читатель мог молиться святому дома.
Твердый переплет. 224 стр.
Inside this book you will discover the wondrous life of a pure childlike heart—Saint Paisios of the Holy Mountain—a dearly beloved contemporary saint of the holy Orthodox Church.
The life of Saint Paisios was marked by ascetic struggles, fervent love for God, and ceaseless prayers. As a receptacle of the Holy Spirit, he became a river of holiness nourishing countless people on the love of Christ
Today, an endless stream of pilgrims make the trip to his resting place in Northern Greece in order to venerate his grave and ask for his holy prayers. May he intercede fora ll of us before the Savior!
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 52
In the centuries before Christ, Celtic peoples migrated from mainland Europe into the British Isles, eventually settling in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.
As Christians, they quickly set themselves apart from the local pagans and their priests, the druids. Many important holy ascetics preached the Gospel to both the unconverted Celts and the native Britons.
The remarkable thing about early Celtic culture is the transformation of its people., who distanced themselves from barbarism and arose as a Christian society led by its saints. In this spirit, we are delighted to present this book. Based on a mix of fact and folktale, the stories collected here introduce readers to a number of men and women who helped create the early history of our Orthodox Christian heritage. Their stories, though forgotten by many, are just as relevant today as they were in the distance past. And so, as we study these saints, may we be inspired to follow their example of love, humility, obedience, and most of all, their complete devotion to Christ!
Format: hardcover
Pages: 62
An engaging, illustrated guide to confession for children. This 100-page, easy-to-use aid will help a child understand and prepare for confession. Designed for both younger and older children, this book assists the child with brief, inspirational thoughts followed by prayers and an age-appropriate self-examination based on 1 Corinthians 13 (the "love chapter"). A Child's Guide to Confession also includes a glossary of basic vocabulary that children typically encounter when learning about or going to confession. Fully illustrated in a simple, colorful, yet reverent style.
This work for our children was compiled by the editors, as well as various staff members and content contributors, of Ancient Faith Ministries under the supervision of several Orthodox clergy as cited on the copyright page: namely, Fr Noah Bushelli, Fr Nicholas Speier, and Fr Andrew Stephen Damick.
Freedom, Power, Strength.
These he would gain, then lose...
Released from slavery and no longer frightened by his master's whip, Moses uses his new freedom and great physical strength to rob and destroy. Consumed by his own desires and unable to escape the reminders of his past, Moses must learn of the True Source of freedom and power. Meet St. Moses the Strong, also known as St. Moses the Black, as he surpasses his physical strength with spiritual discipline, obtaining the crown that thieves can neither harm nor steal. This is the third graphic novel in the Among the Saints series - written to inspire both children and adults.
About the Author: Gabriel grew up sketching his favorite characters and imagining far off places in the woods of Indiana. After studying illustration and drawing at Herron School of Art and Design in Indianapolis, the idea for Among the Saints took root in his heart to share the lives of Saints in a way that his younger self would have read and enjoyed. He resides in Indiana (near those same woods) with his wife and four daughters. In his free time he enjoys gaming with his brothers, learning about Japanese culture, longboarding with his daughter, and spending lots of Sundays with family and friends at his parish, Saint Stephen the First Martyr.
Age Range: 10+ years
Author and Illustrator: Gabriel Wilson
Paperback: 124 pages
The saints of our Church, even the greatest elders and ascetics, were once children! In volume 2 of the series we meet a sweet boy named Angelo who would become Saint Porphyrios! Many a time while grazing his sheep, Angelo would find shelter in the hollow of an olive tree and would eagerly read The Life of Saint John the Hut-Dweller. From childhood until he was a tonsured monk, the story of the Hut-Dweller was Angelo's constant companion. He dreamed that one day he would set sail on a fast moving boat, traverse great seas, and drop anchor at Mount Athos, the port that stands between earth and heaven.
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 64
This book tells the story of an incredible and beloved contemporary Saint of our holy Orthodox Church, Luke the Physician and Holy Hierarch. He lived a life of service and struggle within the Russian Empire, during a period of tumultuous change, chaos, suffering, and death.
Persevering through two world wars and repeated persecution, Saint Luke proved himself a mighty river of holiness. His faith and courage in the midst of devastating personal loss and uncertainty remind us that, with God, all things are possible to him who believes!
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 40
Author: St Tikhon of Zadonsk
Form: Paperback
Pages: 536
— About the Book —
As a merchant gathers various goods from different countries and carries them home and stores them up, so the Christian may gather edifying thoughts and lay them up in the storeroom of his heart, and enrich his soul with them.
Drawing upon numerous examples from daily life and human relationships, St Tikhon weaves together wisdom on how to live a life pleasing to God. His words are frequently embellished by scripture and together these call the reader to repentance and a fuller embrace of godly living. In a world that typically only values material goods his writing constantly reminds the reader of that which is of true value — the knowledge and love of God.
The reader also finds encouragement in the struggle to overcome sin and to acquire virtue which is the fundamental battle of the Christian as the war is waged against the passions. It is a fight worth the effort. St Tikhon’s message is clear: True riches are not of this world, but of the age to come. These riches both can and should be acquired now. As the reader progresses deeper into this work his soul will find refreshment, purpose and meaning for his life.
— Author Biography —
St Tikhon of Zadonsk was an 18th century bishop and spiritual writer of the Russian Orthodox Church. Consecrated a bishop in 1761, he zealously and wisely administered the diocese of Voronezh for seven years before retiring to a monastery in Zadonsk due to poor health. In retirement, he was remembered for his deep piety, humility, and love for his fellow man. St Tikhon reposed in 1783 at the age of 59. His incorrupt relics were discovered in 1846 and he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1861. St Tikhon’s life and works inspired the great Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky, and he is considered to be an inspiration for the characters of Bishop Tikhon (The Demons) and Alyosha Karamazov and Elder Zosima (The Brothers Karamazov).
Seraphim Englehardt is a freelance translator and editor based in Simpsonville, South Carolina. He has previously translated classics of Russian spiritual literature such as How to Live a Holy Life, by Metropolitan Gregory (Postnikov), and St. Theophan the Recluse's commentary on Psalm 118.
— Contents —
1 The World
2 The Sun
3 Father and Children
4 Master and Servant
5 A King and His Honored Subject—a Criminal
6 Captives and Their Liberator
7 A Master and the Servant Whom He Purchased
8 A Captive and His Liberator
9 Joyous News for Criminals
10 The King Who out of Compassion Visits People Living in Poverty
11 The Death Penalty for a Condemned Man
12 A King, Awaited by Citizens, His Arrival in the City, and His Reception by the Citizens
13 A Low-ranking Person Adopted by a High-ranking Person
14 A Benefactor and the Ungrateful Man Who Receives a Benefaction from Him
15 A King and His Subject Who Asks a Favor of Him
16 The Vine and the Branches
17 Head and Body
18 The Members of the Body among Themselves
19 Sheep
20 Goats
21 Shepherd and Flock
22 Bridegroom and Bride
23 Warfare
24 A Wayfarer
25 A Wayfarer and a Guide
26 A Stranger or Wanderer
27 A Citizen
28 A Dinner or Supper
29 A Curtain or Veil
30 A Deaf Man
31 A Seed
32 Sowing and Harvesting
33 The Right Hand
34 The Giving King and the Thief of His Gift
35 Turn Back! Do Not Go That Way!
36 Don’t Touch That! It’s Poison!
37 Weeping
38 Debt
39 A Master Who Is Calling a Servant
40 Servants Awaiting Their Master
41 A Man Summoned to Court
42 A Person Covered with Wounds
43 A Blind Man Restrained
44 A Tall Tree in the Midst of Short Trees
45 A Sensible Head
46 Desire
47 Happiness
48 A Burning Candle
49 A Sword Hanging over a Head
50 A Net
51 Drunkenness
52 A Mirror
53 One Emerging from Darkness, Prison, Captivity, and the Like
54 Shame
55 I Cannot Escape Anywhere from You
56 The Master Is Here
57 A King Who Enters a City or House
58 Woe
59 A Good Tree
60 Slime or Mud on the Bottom of a Spring
61 A Person Who Has Fallen among Robbers and Been Injured by Them
62 A Hospital or Infirmary
63 Poison, Hidden in a Person
64 Warfare
65 Calling
66 Your Father Has Been Waiting for You a Long Time. Do Not Tarry!
67 And We Will Go There
68 Spring
69 Get Up!
70 Livestock
71 Turning
72 Imitation
73 The Safe Path
74 A Mirror
75 Plague
76 Following Like Cattle
77 A Lamp
78 A Blind Man and a Sighted Man Accompanying Him
79 A Subject Who Violates the Law in the Presence of His King
80 A Servant Offended in the Presence of His Master
81 Royal Mercy Promised to Transgressors, and Announced, and Shown to Those Who Turn Themselves Around
82 Tares among the Wheat
83 Why Are You Here?
84 A Lie
85 A Hen
86 A Poultice
87 Where Are You Going? There Will Be Misfortune for You There
88 Why Have You Stopped?
89 Fasting
90 Renunciation of Christ
91 A Servant Who Knows, and One Who Does Not Know, the Will of His Master
92 Take Stock of Yourself!
93 A Shield
94 Peace
95 A Straight and a Crooked Tree
96 Water Flows from High Mountains to Low-Lying Areas
97 Water Flowing By
98 Now You Are Freed from All Misfortunes
99 A Small Sapling
100 Repose
101 A Bridle
102 Follow Me
103 Study
104 The Alphabet
105 Teacher and Pupils
106 I Am Greatly in Your Debt
107 The Memory of an Absent Benefactor
108 He Did His Work and Left
109 Citizens Awaiting Their King in Their City
110 One Will Be Taken and the Other Will Be Left
111 An Oath
112 A Bathhouse
113 A Maiden Betrothed to a Man
114 A Ship
115 Whose Are You?
116 They Are in Concert
117 A King Summons His Subject to Him by an Edict
118 I Will Come Tomorrow
119 A Gardener Cuts Down a Barren Tree
120 Snares Placed on the Path
121 A Great Thing
122 Do Not Be Afraid, I Am with You
123 A Belch
124 A Boat or Vessel on a River
125 The Knowledge of Misfortune or Trouble Induces Us to Seek Deliverance
126 A Pauper
127 A Treasure
128 Witnesses
129 Whom Should I Love, If Not Him?
130 A Full and an Empty Vessel
131 Whoever Loves Something Seeks after It
132 A Perceived Good Is Sought For
133 Everything Finds Repose in Its Own Place
134 A Migrant
135 Servants Sent by the Master to Invite Guests to Dinner
136 A Guard
137 Do Not Touch It; You Cannot Lift It
138 Everyone Avoids a Perceived Evil
139 Little Children
140 Those Who Eat and Drink at Table, and Others Who Are Hungry, but Not Allowed There for Their Own Fault
141 Those Who Enter the King’s Bridal Chamber
142 Light and Darkness
143 I Am Ashamed to Look at You
144 Internecine Strife
145 A Bee That Wounds with Its Sting
146 A Wounded Man Is Wounded Again
147 A Mirror Shows the Smudges on a Face
148 How Could I Forget Him!
149 We Shall Be Safe There
150 A Painting Is Spoiled
151 I Am Not Your Brother
152 The Path
153 The Belly
154 A Man Falls into a Pit That He Himself Has Dug
155 Being Pleasing
156 A Swindler
157 One Event Brings a Similar One to Mind
In Bucurestii veacului al XVIII-lea, intr-o perioada istorica de mari prefaceri si tulburari pricinuite de stapanirea turceasca, se naste pruncul Constantin, viitorul Staret al Cernicai. Om al rugaciunii, mangaietor al bolnavilor, mare ctitor de manastiri si iscusit tipograf, sprijinitor insufletit al Unirii Principatelor Romane, Sfantul Ierarh Calinic a izbutit in putina vreme sa innoiasca viata crestineasca a Bisericii. Textul bogat in invataminte si impodobit cu ilustratii calde dezvaluie copiilor o pilda de mare barbatie si jertfa, aratandu-le ca adevarata credinta biruie orice impotrivire.
Data aparitie: 2011
Limba: Romana
Coperta: Brosata (paperback)
Numar pagini: 32
Dimensiuni: 240 x 200 x 5 mm
by Melinda Johnson, illustrated by Kristina Tartara
Saint Ia Rides a Leaf is a charming story from the life of Saint Ia, an Irish missionary to England in the fifth or sixth century. The town and parish of St Ives in Cornwall, England, are named for her, and she is commemorated on February 3 in the Eastern Orthodox Church. Join Saint Ia and her animal friends on an adventure to spread the Gospel!
Author: Melinda Johnson
Illustrator: Kristina Tartara
Board book: 24 pages
In this heartwarming children's book, we see the love and service of a young princess who visited Christian prisoners a thousand years ago in Spain. Miracles can happen when we show our love for others in action.
Author: Melinda Johnson
Illustrator: Kristina Tartara
Board book: 20 pages
In this book, young readers encounter a Russian hermit who has to solve a problem: he has run out of food. In the end, and with a little help from some friendly fishermen, he manages to fill his cups.
Author: Melinda Johnson
Illustrator: Kristina Tartara
Board book: 22 pages
Pages: 52
Binding: Hardcover
All Orthodox Christians are named for a saint or feast of the Church—or are they? Having been named after the ancient Greek pagan hero Iraklis (Hercules), it seemed that young Iraklis Harilaou had no patron saint! At least that is what he thought, until one day he was hospitalized suffering from a strange illness. It was then that Iraklis learned that God's providence never leaves us empty handed—or without saintly intercessors!
This book is based on true events.
From the letter of Nun Prodrómi, Abbess Holy Monastery of Saint Irakleidios : "Dearest Children—the book you are holding in your hands contains the true story of a miracle worked by Saint Irakleidios for a group of middle school students. Through this story, you can see that our Orthodox saints are close at hand, that they are with us, and that they truly love us. They were children once too, with their own problems and worries, and with beautiful dreams and adventures in their lives. They believed, they struggled, and they became holy, and because of this they understand you and pray to God for you."