Author: Monk Mitrophan
Translator: Archpriest John Shaw
Format: Paperback
Pages: 395
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Conqueror of death, and, consequently, of the death of our departed ones. Let us say to them in Him, not 'Farewell,' but 'Until we meet again, beloved spouse, good parents, dear brother or sister. Until we meet again!'
While many are now abandoning traditional religious practice, none the less, the reality of death and questions regarding the afterlife remain at the forefront of spiritual consciousness. How Our Departed Ones Live is the answer to those who seek the truth as expressed through the experience of the Orthodox Church. This comprehensive book discusses the source of death and mortality, the inner connection and mutual relationship between the living and the departed, intercession by the living for the departed, and life beyond the grave. It will comfort the grieving and inspire all Christians to strengthen their resolve as they seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness.
Copyright Holy Trinity Publications
Author: Elders of Optina
Form: Hardcover
Pages: 205
The Optina Monastery, south of Moscow, was in many ways the greatest spiritual center of nineteenth century Russia. Here we are offered wisdom from the spiritual Fathers of that time in the form of pithy thoughts organized thematically under headings such as "Faith", "Love of Neighbor", "Inner Peace" etc. They both challenge and encourage the reader towards a life "without hypocrisy."
A wonderful new tool for Orthodox children! A Child's Guide to the Divine Liturgy is designed as an aid to help children negotiate their way through the Divine Liturgy and learn more about the Church and our faith. Small and easy to hold, with engaging illustrations, the guide is divided into six color-coded sections:
This guide is written to appeal to children ages two to ten. The very young child will learn basic vocabulary and come to recognize the various milestones in the Divine Liturgy. For the older child, the guide includes several longer psalms, quotes, and prayers; the 12 feast icons and kontakia; plus an extensive glossary filled with terms and vocabulary often heard throughout the liturgical year.
By Nun Nectaria McLees, illustrated by Elena Stefarova
Delightful tales of 15 cherished saints, with iconographic full-color paintings of scenes from their lives. Here you’ll find stories from the lives of Saints Constantine and Helen, Cyprian and Justina, Demetrius of Thessalonica, Herman of Alaska, John the Russian, Mary Magdalene, Mary of Egypt, Moses the Black, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Nina of Georgia, Great Martyr Panteleimon, Philothei of Athens, Seraphim of Sarov and Xenia of Petersburg, as well as the Guardian Angel.
Softcover, illustrated, 62 pages
Anyone grieving over the loss of a loved one will truly find comfort here--for oneself and for the dearly beloved one who has departed. A thoughtful gift to give at funerals.
Jesus, All-merciful Judge, vouchsafe Thy servant (handmaiden) (Name) the sweetness of Paradise.
Format: Softcover
Pages: 32
"O my beloved sojourners struggling to remain upon the 'narrow path' to Paradise, how desperately we need to set before us these Intercessors as examples to imitate, for it is difficult to find lives imbued with integrity in today's world," writes Father Demetrios Carellas in the Preface.
This publication is offered in our Series so as to invoke the wonderful intercession of these righteous Ancestors of God; as an aid for those desiring to overcome childlessness; and for the strengthening of the marriage bond.
Full-color cover and inner pages, abundantly illustrated.
Format: Softcover
Pages: 36
Lovingly compiled by the Hermitage brotherhood in honor of its patron, Saint Panteleimon, this beautiful softcover booklet is ideal for both home and church. It includes the life and passion of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer, along with his akathist hymn, special prayers, beautiful icons and artwork.
"The only purpose of our life from the time we are born is to find God and become one with Him and our fellow man. To this end God grants us guides and helpers along the way, beginning with our parents. However, as we draw closer to Him, climbing the Ladder of Divine Ascent, we begin to experience help from those who are nearest to God: His Saints. Therefore, Beloved, are you sick or suffering? Or are you seeking the true purpose of your life—to attain union with God? If so, then know that you have a compassionate helper whom our All-merciful Saviour has even given a name like unto Himself: the all-merciful Panteleimon. Call upon him!" (back cover).
52 pages
Softcover booklet
8.5" x 5.5"
Copyright Hermitage of the Holy Cross
Οur Saints are the best role models, who never lose their worth, no matter how many years go by. Saint Catherine, is a wonderful example of a young girl of noble birth from Alexandria, Egypt, who was endowed with exceptional physical beauty and great wisdom; she was, therefore, able to face even the wisest idolaters of her time. Once she recognized the One and True God, she sacrificed everything, wealth, comfort and glory, so that she could stay close to Christ for eternity.
Format: Softcover
Number of Pages: 24
This Akathist—pure and beautiful in its simplicity—was composed in honor of the unique Wonderworking Icon, “The Milkgiver,” treasured in the Serbian Hilandar Monastery on the Holy Mountain. The Theotokos is depicted breastfeeding Christ, a poignant model for mothers nourishing their children. This maternal image is woven throughout the text, as the Mother of God is our “sheltering wing,” “protection for our little children,” “support of families of the faithful,” and “nurturer of the young and weak.” She is the nurturer of all, for her milk “noetically poureth forth immaterial gifts, nurturing the hearts and souls of the faithful.” This English version is translated from Serbian and printed with the blessing of Hilandar Monastery. A fitting gift, especially during the season of Christ’s Nativity.
Full-color cover and inner pages, abundantly illustrated.
Format: Softcover
Pages: 32
The grace of God is made manifest in the marvelous world which surrounds us. This is apparent both in the beauty of the natural world and in the everyday blessings in our lives. Yet history is filled with instances of supernatural grace, or miracles. Such was the appearance of the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God found by a hunter in a forest near the Tuscary river. The text for this coloring book gives the history of this icon, miracles associated with it -- including the healing of St Seraphim of Sarov, and the hymns associated with the feast in the Orthodox Christian Church.
The artwork includes lavish borders in an old Russian the style which will be a joy to color. With illustrations and borders to color and interesting text to inspire, this will make an excellent gift or school room resource.
Age Range: 5-12 years
Format: Paperback
Page Length: 32 pages
Our Saints are our greatest mentors. The example they have set for us can never lose its value with the passage of time. Their lives is the subject of a new series entitled “The life of our Saints”, which is published in Greek, English and Russian by Athos Children books. The first book is dedicated to the holy, glorious Great martyr St. George who lived in the late 3rd century. His name means “worker of the land”.
Paperback, 24 pages.
The service to St. John (including the akathist) was translated by Reader Isaac E. Lambertsen from the Church Slavonic text. The akathist to St. John was orginally compiled in English by Hieromonk Seraphim (Rose), translated into Church Slavonic, edited and revised by Archbishop Alypy of Chicago and subsequently approved for liturgical use by the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. The present English text incorporated both Fr. Seraphim's original and Reader Isaac Lambertsen's translation.
48 pages
This convenient pocket-sized book contains the necessary texts for the celebration of the liturgy of St Basil the Great by the priest and deacon, interpolated with comprehensive rubrical directions. Texts sung by the choir are also shown. The parallel format gives the Church Slavonic texts on the left page and the English on the right. The book includes the proskomedia, daily and festal dismissals, thanksgiving prayers, and special petitions. This smyth-sewn gold foil stamped hardback edition is printed in two colors, with rubrics in red. Includes two marking ribbons.
Form: Hardcover
Pages: 336
Metropolitan Anastasy was a leading figure of the Russian emigration following the Communist takeover of his homeland. A man of erudition, he formed a bridge between two worlds -- the Imperial Court of the last Tsar and the transient 20th century Russian diaspora. These reflections from his diary offer the groanings of his heart and musings on the eternal mercy of God which he writes “are part of my very essence.” They draw upon wisdom from sources as diverse as writers of classical antiquity, authors, composers and inventors of the age of enlightenment, offering unique perspectives on these. Also instructive are the bishop's inspired essays on the subject of revolution. This volume is enhanced by a short life of the author written by Archbishop Averky (Taushev) together with several black and white photographs.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 176
At night, the wind blows through the rigging of the boat where Laurel lives. Sweet aromas float across the water and surprise her—as though they’d traveled from another land. One night, Laurel is transported across the water to an ancient world of mystery.
In this gorgeously illustrated and poetically written story, you will discover the wonder of Byzantium’s capital city, Constantinople, at the height of its glory. At the center is the magnificent church of Holy Wisdom, where the worship of God unfolds in splendor while the wind dances through the trees. This book will cultivate in the young a taste for the mystical and rekindle wonder in adult readers. In the waking dreams of a single little girl, this edifying tale explores in an alluring whirlwind both the power of remembrance and the beauty of truth, all centered around Christ’s glorious resurrection.
Age Range: 2-10 years
Author: Gaelan Gilbert
Illustrator: Ned Gannon
Hardcover: 32 pages
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches
This Akathist to the Mother of God—the first in the Series of Akathists which began over twenty years ago—is now being presented as a new edition. Both the cover and inner pages have been colorfully redesigned, but the time-honored text remains the same. Thousands of people faithfully take this little book in hand to pray daily for their children by name.
Full-color cover and inner pages, abundantly illustrated.
Format: Softcover
Pages: 28
Pages: 38
Binding: Hardcover
Beneath the Magnificent Dome, by Anna Iakovou, and illustrated by Spyros Gousis. Translated by Dimitri Kagaras.
Beneath the Magnificent Dome tells the story of Fr. Eleftherios Noufrakis, a Cretan military chaplain, who dared to celebrate the Divine Liturgy in the Great Church--Agia Sophia--465 years after the city of Constantinople fell to the Turks on May 29, 1453.
A Canon to New Martyr Ephraim of Nea Makri, whose holy relics were discovered in Greece, in the year 1950. Although there is a rich array of various healings by the saint, his “signature,” as it were, is for helping wayward youth, those addicted to drugs, the despairing and suicidal. The publication includes an insightful introduction, depicting the explosion of social media resulting in a youth culture racked by isolation and despair. Several accounts of the saint’s dramatic miracles are included, revealing the closeness of the saint and his powerful intercession.
Full-color cover and inner pages, abundantly illustrated.
Format: Softcover
Pages: 36
This new addition to the Series of Akathists is to the Child-Martyr Gabriel of Poland. Though the saint lived in the late-seventeenth century and on the other side of the world from us, he is nonetheless a ready intercessor for our times. This innocent child, at the age of six, was abducted and subjected to cruel torture, yet heroically proved himself to be a true passion-bearer for Christ, attested by his wondrous incorrupt relics. Miracles of the saint’s intercession abound. For us the faithful, sorrowing over the serious sins against the youth of our own times (such as the victims of the multi-billion-dollar child-trafficking industry), we offer this publication as a means for prayer for the protection of any child who is in a vulnerable situation: those who have fallen prey to abductors, who are being abused, or those being neglected even in their own homes. The publication includes a Foreword by Fr. Nectarios, the Guardian of the Wonderworking “Hawaiian” Iveron Icon of the Holy Theotokos, as well as a Brief Life of the saint, which portrays the fascinating account of the history surrounding the saint’s holy relics. Also included in the publication is a beautiful Prayer for Children, composed by St. Nikolai Velimirovich.
Full-color cover and inner pages, abundantly illustrated.
Format: Softcover
Pages: 36
St. John Maximovitch (1896–1966) is loved and venerated throughout the world. Born on the eve of the Communist Revolution, he was a leading figure in the Russian diaspora, serving the Church in Yugoslavia, China, the Philippines, France, and the United States. His sanctity, asceticism, and wonder-working are well known from several different published versions of his life.
In Exodus, readers discover more about St. John’s role in sustaining his flock in Shanghai, arranging for their flight to Tubabao, and his successful efforts to lobby the U.S. government, which allowed thousands of refugees and orphans to emigrate to America. Drawing extensively on unpublished primary sources—letters, memoirs, interviews, newspaper articles from key figures and eyewitnesses—John B. Dunlop takes readers on an exciting journey, as they learn more about both St John and his émigré flock.
Format: Paperback
Page Length: 272 pages
Since ancient times, a glorious miracle has taken place each year at the Church of the All-Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. The miracle is called the Holy Light, and it occurs on Great Saturday of Holy Week, when it is received solely by the Patriarch of Jerusalem—and then shared with a multitude of Orthodox pilgrims!
This book tells the true story of how, in 1926, a young monk named Father Microphones came to witness the mystery of the Holy Light with his own eyes! Learn the dramatic story behind this event, what the monk saw, and other incredible details about the site of our Lord's burial.
Format: hardcover
Pages: 52
Author: Vladimir Tsurikov
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 426
This new, well illustrated, book studies the life and works of the first First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, the Blessed Metropolitan Antonii (Khrapovitsky). Metropolitan Antonii was the spiritual leader of the Russian Emigration that found itself uprooted in the aftermath of the Revolution of 1917 and subsequent Civil War. He had been one of the leading hierarchs in Pre-Revolutionary Russia, an advocate of the return of the Patriarchate, improved ties with other Orthodox and non Orthodox Churches, and a staunch defender of traditionalism. He was instrumental in establishing the Synod of the Russian Church Abroad in Yugoslavia, which provided a spiritual home for the Russians who found themselves in exile. Among the papers in this volume are ones studying his opposition to the Imiaslavie heresy, his missionary work, and his relationship with Patriarch Tikhon. Taken from papers delivered at a symposium dedicated to Metropolitan Antonii held at Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, NY in 2006. Articles are split between Russian and English, depending on the language originally presented in.
Pages: 66
Binding: Hardcover
"I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, 'Make straight the way of the Lord.'" (Luke 3:4)
God used these words to inform his people that He would send a great prophet shortly before Christ appeared in the world. He would call people to prepare the way of their hearts to welcome Christ. This great prophet was none other than Saint John, whome we call "the Forerunner" because of this very mission.
Written by the fathers of the Sacred Monastery of Mesa Potamou for young readers, the book begins with an explanation of the prophets and their mission. It then tells the entire story of the wondrous life of the greatest man born of women, Saint John the Baptizer. (Luke 7:28)
Artist Angeliki Deleha's moving illustrations bring Saint John to life in his roles as prophet, apostle, and martyr, including his first meeting with the Savior while yet unborn, as a child in Judean wilderness, his baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ, his imprisonment, and martyrdom.
The book also includes a catalog of feastdays dedicated to the Forerunner, and a short history of the Sacred Monastery of Mesa Potamou, Cyprus, who has as its patron Saint John.
Pages: 66
Binding: Hardcover
The twentieth century was a period of incredible suffering and violence out of which emerged many saints of the holy Orthodox Church. Saint Alexander of Munich is one such river of holiness of the modern period.
As the dark clouds of the Second World War enveloped Europe, Alexander Schmorell, and a group of close friends, felt compelled to speak out against the atrocities of the Nazi regime. This is their story of courage, strength, and self-sacrificial love—this is the story of the White Rose Resistance.
Armed with the guiding principles of their Christian faith, Alexander Schmorell and his friends discovered something wonderful—that purpose in life comes not from the acquisition of wealth, power, or position, but in striving to imitate Christ’s example through love, service, and sacrifice for one’s fellow man.
Author: Belovolov, Gennady
Form: Paperback
Pages: 96
This small but expansive work is a window into churchly culture as the reader is drawn into the journey of the Mt. Athos Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear" to Russia in 1877. Through God's grace a new and distinct icon emerged, now recognised as the Nevskaya Icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear." This God protected icon survived both a fire and the destruction of churches under communism. In 1958 it was moved to the St Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg. Many Orthodox believers attribute the saving of Leningrad from Nazi's to this icon. This book will inspire the reader with stories of the help and consolation given through it to faithful from all walks of life: farmers, merchants, homemakers, soldiers, dukes, and duchesses; including the much loved St Elizabeth the New Martyr.
This book shares the story of the last Russian emperor and his family in which there are both happy memories and great hardships. In their daily life, we find examples of courage, patience, wisdom, love, and faith. Their life was not necessarily what one would expect for an Emperor and his family; there was much more than fancy clothes and delicious food. They nursed the sick, ate porridge, kayaked along the Finnish coastline, and cared for chickens. Now we know them as Royal Martyrs: deeply pious Orthodox Christians who laid down their lives for the Faith, and as role models of Christian virtue who showed kindness even to the guards who taunted them.
Format: Hardcover
56 pages
This immensely popular text holds a priceless gift for every reader: the disclosure of the very purpose of life! Deep in the snowy Sarov forest, Russia’s most beloved saint counsels his friend Nicholas Motovilov, who from childhood had a burning desire to know the aim of our Christian life. Using simple and easily understandable examples from Holy Scripture and from daily life experiences, Saint Seraphim unfolds the meaning of his reply to Nicholas that our life’s purpose is to acquire the Holy Spirit.
How is our Christian faith properly lived? Is Christianity a series of abstract teachings to which we, as individuals, give our mental or emotional assent? Or, as Russian Archbishop and New Martyr Ilarion (Troitsky) argues, is the true aim of Christian life the transformation of our whole being as members of the Body of Christ, His Church?
This classic translation is refreshed for the first time with fresh typesetting and interior design, as well as questions for either group discussion or personal reflection.
Author: Korsun, S. ; Black, L.
Form: Paperback
Pages: 264
How is it that a simple Russian Orthodox monk traveled thousands of miles across the Eurasian landmass and north Pacific ocean to settle in Kodiak, Alaska? Why, nearly 200 years later was he cited in a speech to the 91st United States Congress, delivered by Senator Ted Stevens? It was expressed in this oration that his canonization will serve to yield new benevolence and understanding to provide the Aleut and other native people of Alaska the rewards of their faith in their Church and the rewards of their faith in America.
The memory of St Herman, canonized in 1970, has spread well beyond Alaska. This new work brings to light primary sources that illuminate the story of St Herman and the wider context of the history of Russian colonization in the Pacific northwest. It reveals new fascinating biographical details such as his connection to St Seraphim of Sarov. The reader will encounter interesting texts on the attitude of the Russian Orthodox missionaries to a kind of same sex marriage practiced by some Alaskan natives, and the story of the legendary Novgorodians who were believed to have established a colony in Alaska during the reign of Ivan the Terrible.
Contains all the liturgical texts specifically for the Feast day of St. Nicholas (Small Vespers, Great Vespers, Matins and Divine Liturgy) on December 6, together with an Akathist hymn in his honor and an extended prayer to him. A short life of the saint is also included followed by an account of some of the miracles worked through the prayers of the saint after his earthly repose.
Paperback, 96 pages.
The Apostle Paul commands his disciple Timothy to “be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. This exhortation encapsulates the Orthodox Church’s expectations from her clergy and forms the basis of her Pastoral Theology. The aim of the present work is to guide the contemporary Orthodox priest in his application of the Apostle’s words to his everyday life as a conduit of Divine Grace and shepherd of Christ’s flock. At the same time, its focus on the proper formation of the soul will benefit every Christian, whether ordained or not. Compiled from recent and historical sources reflecting the rich heritage of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
Author: Woolfenden, Gregory W.
Form: Paperback
Pages: 168
One way in which we can increase the talents given to us by God is “to celebrate a service in splendor” and thereby “communicate the word to those untaught.” (From the Aposticha of the Matins of Great and Holy Tuesday.) A Practical Handbook for Divine Services will serve as an invaluable guide to all -- priests, deacons, servers, readers and singers --who seek to increase their God given talent in fulfilment of these words.
It will also encourage all the laity who desire to enter more fully into an understanding of the Church’s Typicon, the “rule” which governs how Divine worship is offered in the church, and to internalize the principles that underpin it. Whilst drawn from Russian sources, the texts also touch upon differences found in Greek usage. This is also a valuable resource for any student of Christian liturgy.
At the height of World War II, a small band of students in Munich, Germany, formed a clandestine organization called the White Rose, which exposed the Nazi regime’s murderous atrocities and called for its overthrow. In its first anti-Nazi tract, the group wrote, “...Nothing is so unworthy of a civilized nation as allowing itself to be ‘governed’ without opposition by an irresponsible clique that has yielded to base instinct...” The students risked everything to struggle against a world that had lost its moorings. Early in 1943 key members of the group were discovered and executed.
Among those put to death was Alexander Schmorell, a young man of Russian birth whose family came to Germany when he was a small boy. This biography eloquently recounts the journey of an energetic and talented young man who loved life but who, deeply inspired by his Orthodox Christian faith, was willing to sacrifice it as a testimony to his faith in God that had taught him to love beauty and freedom, both of which the Nazis sought to destroy. In 2012, the Russian Orthodox Church officially recognized him as a martyr and saint.
The story of Alexander’s life and death is made available to English readers here for the first time, vividly illustrated with black and white photographs.
Author: Elena Perekrestov
Format: Paperback
Pages: 216
Copyright Holy Trinity Publications
Over the last hundred years, the Eastern Orthodox Church has been rediscovering her western heritage, spurred on by large migrations from traditionally Orthodox countries to regions divided from the Church since the Great Schism. One key to this resource has been the compilation and addition into the church’s menologion (liturgical calendar) of western saints of the first millennium. In the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, this effort was spearheaded by a contemporary saint in his own right —St John (Maximovitch) of Shanghai and San Francisco. The land of Helvetia, modern-day Switzerland, can herself boast of a great legacy of zealous followers of Christ. At St John’s urging, ROCOR added ancient Helvetia to its official calendar. Over time, the Church has added to this list with the aim of encouraging wider appreciation and veneration of local saints like, Maurice, Gall, Severin, and Clotilde. Here, we present brief lives of these early saints as an aid for pilgrims, travelers, and all who wish to deepen their understanding of the Church as truly Universal. Also included are troparia to individual saints, an Akathist, sheet music for a pattern melody, service texts for remembering the Synaxis of the Saints of Switzerland liturgically, as well as maps and illustrations.
In this concise volume, Bishop Irenei renews his exploration of the patristic genre of centuries — one hundred short paragraphs that can be read individually but are connected by a common theme — that he previously utilized in "The Beginnings of a Life of Prayer." Here, His Grace offers five centuries that impart, in a mode comprehensible to the contemporary reader, eternal truths expressed by the Holy Fathers on Love, on the Church, and more.
The Orthodox Church and Russian Nationalism Before the Revolution
By: John Strickland
This book is a critical study of the interaction between Russian Church and society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. At a time of rising nationalist movement throughout Europe, Orthodox patriots advocated for the place of the Church as a unifying force, central to the identity and purpose of the burgeoning, yet increasingly religiously diverse Russian Empire. Their views were articulated in a variety of ways. Bishops such as Metropolitan Antony Khrapovitsky—a founding hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia—and other members of the clergy expressed their vision of Russia through official publications (including ecclesiastical journals), sermons, the organization of pilgrimages and the canonization of saints. On the other hand, religious intellectuals (such as the famous philosopher Vladimir Soloviev and the controversial former-Marxist Sergey Bulgakov) promoted what was often a variant vision of the nation through the publication of books and articles. Even the once persecuted Old Believers, emboldened by a religious toleration edict of 1905, sought to claim a role in national leadership. And many—in particularly famous painter Mikhail Vasnetsov—looked to art and architecture as a way of defining the religious ideals of modern Russia.
Whilst other studies exist that draw attention to the voices in the Church typified as “liberal” in the years leading up to the Revolution, this work introduces the reader to a wide range of “conservative” opinion that equally strove for spiritual renewal and the spread of the Gospel. Ultimately neither the “conservative” voices presented here nor those of their better-known “liberal” protagonists were able to prevent the calamity that befell Russia with the Bolshevik revolution in 1917.
Grounded in original research conducted in the newly accessible libraries and archives of post-Soviet Russia, this study is intended to reveal the wider relevance of its topic to an ongoing discussion of the relationship between national or ethnic identities on the one hand and the self-understanding of Orthodox Christianity as a universal and transformative Faith on the other.
Softcover, 339 pages
Holy Trinity Publications
"Prayer is a refuge of God's great mercy to the human race." The refuge is a place of inner stillness and peace where the heart is fully opened to the embrace of God's love. It is a return to the ancient paradise from which the human race, in Adam, had to depart because of disobedience to the command of God. The Refuge is an exposition of the concrete actions we should take if we truly desire to live with and in God. It weaves together meditations on scripture (from the Psalms in particular) and amplifies these with the wisdom of early Christian saints, in particular the ascetical writings of St. John of the Ladder, St. Macarius the Great, and St. Isaac the Syrian. It is an active exhortation for us to reacquire the original nobility with which God fashioned us in the beginning.
Death is a great sacrament. It is the birth of a person from this earthly, temporary life, into eternity. In this third volume of St Ignatius’ s collected works, published here in English for the first time, the saint examines the mystical boundaries that govern the life of a Christian: the one, between life and death; and the other, between the visible, physical realm and the invisible to most, but no less real, spiritual realm. Included in this volume is St Ignatius’ s “ Homily on Death,” one of his most popular works in his native Russia and often published separately. The reader will also encounter St Ignatius’ s teachings on the nature of the soul and the essence of the incorporeal beings, the latter theologoumena being a point of contention between the author and his contemporary, St Theophan the Recluse.
Author: Abbess Arsenia (Sebriakova)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 110
"Only when our life is wholly directed towards God do we become capable of seeing God in all and begin to do so by faith—not only in all the significant happenings of life but even in the insignificant ones—and to submit entirely to His holy will."
The 19th century saw a renaissance of Russian spirituality in the writings of St Ignatius (Brianchaninov) and St Theophan the Recluse, many of whose works have become well-known throughout the world. This book brings to an English-speaking audience the spiritual counsels of another Russian monastic of the same period. Born into a patrician family in the Don region, Anna Mikhailovna Sebriakova forsake the world at the age of seventeen and joined the Ust'-Medveditskii convent, where she was tonsured a nun with the name Arsenia. She subsequently served as abbess of this same monastery for 41 years. Heavily influenced by the writings of St ignatius, she took up correspondence with his brother P.A. Brianchaninov and became his spiritual mentor. Her letters to Peter Alexandrovich form the bulk of this book. Also offered are a selection of her personal notes and letters to other individuals. Abbess Arsenia’s counsels are steeped in Holy Scripture and in the inspiration that she draws from the services of the Orthodox Church. Throughout, she emphasizes the need to humble oneself, discern the will of God, and fulfill it through every moment of our life.
Author: Larchet, Jean-Claude; Andrew A.Torrance, trans.
Form: paperback
Pages: 208
Philosopher and patrologist Dr Jean-Claude Larchet, renowned for his examinations of patristic writings on the causes and consequences of spiritual and physical illness, here tackles the pressing question of the societal and personal effects of our societal use of new media. The definition of new media is broad - from radio to smart phones - and the analysis of their impact is honest and straightforward. His meticulous diagnosis of their effects concludes with a discussion of the ways individuals might limit and counteract the most deleterious effects of this new epidemic and our preserve our essential humanity.
Copyright Holy Trinity Publications
The Collected Works of St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov), vol. I
The spiritual harvest requires a heart that is harrowed by repentance, softened by compunction, and irrigated by tears.
The field is a place of cultivation and of battle. In this volume the nineteenth century Christian saint and teacher Ignatius (Brianchaninov) instructs his reader in the cultivation of the field of their hearts, with the aim of producing a harvest of virtues both pleasing to God and of benefit to all humankind. Drawing on his own military background St Ignatius recognizes that this cultivation requires discipline and awareness of the enemies that thwart our efforts to live a holy life. His words combine spiritual wisdom with reflections on nature that hint at the joy awaiting those who embrace the saint’s call.
The Field draws deeply on the teachings of the ascetic fathers of the Church, from the desert dwellers of Scetis in Egypt to his Russian contemporaries the Optina Elders. He demonstrates how their voice is one in guiding us on the Christian path. It will be impossible for either lay people or monastics to read these words without being challenged and inspired to follow Christ more fully in cultivating the field of their own life.
Author: Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov), Nicholas Kotar (trans.)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 400
Copyright Holy Trinity Publications
She Who Loved Much: The Sinful Woman in St Ephrem the Syrian and the Orthodox Tradition
About the Book
This sharply honed and well-constructed work brings to the fore and explores the New Testament story regarding the woman who entered a house where Jesus was dining and anointed him with precious oil shortly before His Passion and Crucifixion. The author unveils the intricate nature of the tradition of the Church that gives the woman a voice and elucidates her backstory through its liturgical poetry, oratory, and other writings. Scholarly consideration is given to all these sources in addressing questions such as: Who was this woman? Where did she come from? How did she acquire the precious oil? How did she enter into the house of Simon uninvited? How did she perceive her own bold actions?
The reader will learn that in the liturgical tradition of the Orthodox Church, as found in the hymnology of Holy Week, this sinful woman is shown to be an example of repentance and unconstrained love. The intricate nature of the hymns and homilies of the Orthodox Church give greater scope and application to the biblical record primarily in Greek and Syriac manuscripts, with particular attention given to the former texts, too often overshadowed by the latter. The author shares previously inaccessible texts of late antiquity such as homilies by Amphilochius of Iconium and Ephrem Graecus found here in English for the first time.
This in-depth and readable study will engage those who encounter the story of the sinful woman in the living tradition of worship within the Orthodox Church, together with those who have encountered this story in Scripture, or in the course of their academic studies.
Author Biography
Kevin James Kalish holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Princeton University and is Professor of English at Bridgewater State University. He is also a priest of the New England Diocese of the Orthodox Church in America.
Short Titles and a Note on Texts
PART I - Earliest Developments of the Sinful Woman’s Story
1 - Introduction
Luke 7:36–50
The Story of the Sinful Woman
The Gospel Accounts
How Many Women? Mary Magdalene?
Filling in the Gaps
Genres of Early Christian Writing: Homily, Apocrypha, Hagiography, Greek Novel, Hymn
Ways of Story-telling
Plan of the Book
Central Argument
2 - Ephrem the Syrian and the Syriac Tradition
Christianity and the World of Late Antiquity
Ephrem and the Beginning of Christian Poetry
Ephrem the Syrian’s Verse Homily On the Sinful Woman
Ephrem the Syrian’s Invention of the Myrrh-Seller
3 - Amphilochius of Iconium, the Neglected Cappadocian
Amphilochius of Iconium, On the Sinful Woman Who Anointed the Lord with Myrrh; and on the Pharisee (Homily 4)
The Sinful Woman and Judas: Amphilochius’s use of Biblical Models
Interior Monologue
Shamelessness Transformed into Boldness
PART II - Greek Ephrem’s Homily on the Repentant Harlot
4 - Phenomenon of the Greek Ephrem
Meeting of Basil and Ephrem
Overview of the Homily
5 - Translation of Greek Ephrem’s Homily The Repentant Harlot
Her Thoughts and Plans
Encounter with the Myrrh-seller
The Woman Prepares Herself to Enter
Arrival at House of Simon
Reflection by the Homilist
Simon’s Doubts and the Parable of the Debtors
6 - Significance of Greek Ephrem’s Homily The Repentant Harlot
Voice of the Homilist
Imagining her Voice: Silent Speech, Interiority, the Self, and the Power of Fiction
Dialogue with the Myrrh-seller
Wounded by the Beauty of Christ
Encounter with Christ
The Parable of the Two Debtors: Will or Ought to Love?
PART III - The Sinful Woman as a Model of Repentance
7 - Romanos’s On the Harlot
Romanos Introduction
Translation of the kontakion
Romanos “On the Harlot” Commentary
8 - The Sinful Woman in the Lenten Triodion
Development of the Lenten Tridoion
The Sinful Woman in the Triodion Hymns
The Sinful Woman in the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete
Holy Week and Greek Ephrem’s The Repentant Harlot
Hymn of Kassia the Nun
9 - Conclusion
Why the Sinful Woman? Boldness, Continual Repentance, and Perfect Love
Holy Harlots
Continual Repentance
Sinful Woman and Perfect Love
APPENDIX I: Literary Context
Late Antique Rhetorical Practices
Longer Version of Greek Ephrem’s Homily The Repentant Harlot (Recension B)
Glossary of Names
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Page Length: 224 pages
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