By: Elder Cleopa
Translated by: Diana Suvak
Volume 10: This collection of stories, written for a young audience by one of the most important Orthodox Christian elders of Romania, contains teachings about faith, the Christian virtues, the lives of the saints, prayer, icons, and many other topics. The tenth volume tells the young reader about repentance, pride, and the lives of St. Romanus the Melodist, St. John Kukuzel, and St. Ephrem the Syrian.
Language: English
Number of pages:
ISBN: 978-1-936773-42-8
Published: 2018
Volume 2: This collection of stories, written for a young audience by one of the most important Orthodox Christian elders of Romania, contains teachings about faith, the Christian virtues, the lives of the saints, prayer, icons, and many other topics. In the second volume, Elder Cleopa tells stories about the importance of humility and a miracle with the Holy Cross.
Paperback, 87 pages.
Author: Lodyzhenskii, Mitrofan Vasilevich
Form: Paperback
Pages: 280
In this classic early twentieth century text a little known Russian philosopher and theologian addresses these questions and offers answers rooted in the tradition of the Orthodox Christian East and the lives of its sainted Christian men and women. Christian philosophy and its difference from other philosophical systems is discussed as well as the divine mysticism of Seraphim of Sarov, Francis of Assisi, and Simeon the New Theologian. The book includes reflections on the writings of Leo Tolstoy and conversations between him and the author, as well as martyrdom in the epoch of the first two Ecumenical Councils. This is not an easy text and it will confront the reader with a choice which cannot be compromised: Am I willing to turn from the conventional wisdom of this world in order to know true happiness through an encounter with the Light of the Eternal God, a power which can conquer even that of physical death?
Copyright Holy Trinity Publications
Author: Saint John of Kronstadt
Format: Paperback
Pages: 218
Each year we begin anew the journey to the radiant feast of Pascha, entering the season of repentance known as Great Lent. The homilies presented in this modest volume, from one of the spiritual giants of the Orthodox Church of Russia, can both encourage and inform us in this struggle of the Fast.
For the first time a selection of St John's Lenten sermons is presented in English translation. They follow the thematic structure of the Lenten season in the Orthodox Church, from the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee through to Great and Holy Friday. A sermon for St Thomas Sunday, that follows Holy Pascha, is offered as an Epilogue.
Copyright Holy Trinity Publications
This is one of the most important and accessible texts of Orthodox Christian teaching on the spiritual life, and and not unlike the better known “Philokalia.” The author, St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) describes this work as his legacy “of soul saving instruction.” He promises that “Those who carry out these instructions will enter into possession of spiritual riches.” In an age even more alienated from spiritual culture and rooted in materialism, his words pose both a challenge and an invitation to all who ever say to themselves “There must be more to life than this.” For anyone who desires to deepen their own spiritual journey based upon an encounter with Christ as God, this book is essential reading. Its contents may ultimately be accepted or rejected, but they will be very difficult to ignore.
Like the other leaders of this Russian monastic revival, Ignatius was deeply rooted in the ascetic and mystical doctrine of the Greek Fathers, yet there was nothing antiquarian or academic about his devotion to the teaching of the past: for this ancient tradition was something that he had experienced directly, as a creative and dynamic reality in his personal life.
–Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia
Subjects covered include unceasing prayer, the need for spiritual direction and the importance of Divine meditation. The original Russian edition was published in 1867. The work encapsulates the legacy of St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) as it was published in the year of his death, after some forty years of monastic life. There is a helpful thirteen-page introduction is provided by Archimandrite (now Metropolitan) Kallistos (aka Timothy Ware) as well as a glossary of terms. The 2nd edition was re-edited and newly typeset. It includes interior design features, subject and scripture indexes, and includes a short life of St Ignatius.
Author: St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov)
Form: Paperback
Pages: 311
By Christine Rogers
Young Spyros spends his days fishing, octopus hunting, and dreaming of attending school like his best friend, Niko. When he encounters an elderly man on the beach after an accident, his whole life begins to shift and change. But who is this mysterious, saintly man, and why is his friendship so important? Take a short trip back in time to the Greek island of Corfu and discover the real reason for the mystery surrounding Spyridon's shoes.
About the Author: Kh. Christine Rogers is married to Fr. John Rogers and is the mother of four. She is also the author of The Road to Golgotha. A life-long Alaskan, she enjoys indoorsy activities like reading, sewing and not camping, and can often be found in the church kitchen cooking for anywhere from 50-300 people.
Age Range: 7 - 12 years
Author: Christine Rogers
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 5.25 X 7.5 inches
Page Length: 104 pages
One of the most important service books of the Orthodox Church, available in a well-bound large print format. In traditional English using the Psalter as translated by Holy Transfiguration Monastery. This book has the fixed texts for all the daily services of the Orthodox Church, including the inter-hours. Clear rubrics using red ink explain how the form of the services varies between Sundays and weekdays, fasting seasons etc. This edition also includes extracts from the variable texts of the Menaion, Triodion and Pentecostarion.
Form: Hardcover
Pages: 408
Copyright Holy Trinity Publications
At Pascha, Orthodox all over the world dye and bless red eggs. Here is the story of how this tradition started—way back in apostolic times, with St. Mary Magdalene and a blessed miracle that dazzled the unbelieving Roman emperor with the reality and power of Christ's Resurrection.
32 pages; hardcover.
One often hears converts to Orthodoxy express their sorrow that there are no Orthodox prayers one may offer on behalf of their beloved relatives who have departed this life outside the Church. Over the past several years a wondrous fervor of veneration for the holy Martyr Varus has blossomed forth, especially in Russia, as a heavenly intercessor for those who died outside the Faith. The memorable Patriarch Alexis II noted: "Chapels are being built in honor of the martyr Varus, and icons are being painted. From his life it follows that he possessed a special desire to pray to God for those who died unbaptized."
This new release is tenth in our well-known Akathist Series, printed in an attractive, pocket-sized format, with extra-sturdy covers intended for frequent use. Includes several full-color depictions of the Saint.
Format: Softcover
Pages: 36
This deeply moving canon of prayer eloquently expresses the heart-felt anguish of anyone in need of praying for a sick child. Includes a full introduction of insightful counsels by a Russian Orthodox Priest-Pediatrician, and the following prayers at the end: Prayer for a Sick Child, Prayer for a Child Suffering Great Pain, Prayer of Thanksgiving for Healing.
O Lord, show the power of Thy mercy!
Format: Softcover
Pages: 36
This deeply theological text was composed by St. Nikolai (Velimirovich) as a poetic expression of love for the Resurrected Lord. He scribed the manuscript with his own hand, on Pascha 1923, and dedicated it to his spiritual son, Father (now Saint) Justin Popovic. Astonishingly powerful and unique, this akathist is an added treasure in that it is written by a saint of our own times.
We are pleased to offer this Akathist again, after being out of print, as a completely new addition: A larger format (5 1/2 x 8 1/2") and printed on sturdy paper with a matte cover. Both cover and inner pages are full color, including two images of the saint. This edition includes the added advantage of being stitched and glued, and bound with a spine.
Jesus, Conqueror of death, have mercy on me.
Format: Softcover
Pages: 48
The road to sainthood takes a lifetime to travel. . . . Late in the fourth century, Christians are labeled enemies of the Roman Empire--hounded, arrested, tortured, and executed. Macrina and her husband Basil, once-wealthy Christians, flee with their small son to the mountainous forests south of the Black Sea. There, Macrina embarks on a seven-year journey of unexpected tests and trials that will take her through a harsh and hungry wilderness pilgrimage, only to plunge her into poverty and danger on the streets of Neocaesarea. So begins Macrina's adventure in faith, as she undertakes the process of becoming one of the most influential women in sacred history, the mother and grandmother of saints. Readers of all ages will be fascinated by the story of St. Macrina the Elder, who had a profound influence on her grandchildren, St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory of Nyssa, and St. Macrina the Younger. She is truly a great confessor of the Orthodox Christian faith. A chapter book with black-and-white illustrations.
Josiah and Julia love to go to church. They love to venerate the icons, light candles, and eat the blessed bread. Sometimes they behave very well—but sometimes they make mistakes. Little ones can follow Josiah and Julia through the Liturgy and learn how even the youngest child can honor God by behaving properly in church.
Author: Kelly Ramkin Lardin
Illustrator: Sheena Hisiro
Format: board book (heavy cardstock, with rounded corners)
Dimensions: 6 X 8.5
Page count: 24
This is intended both to help the worshipper to follow the service at the Vigil for Sunday held on Saturday night and to assist the choir in chanting the service. It contains the unvarying texts and rubrics regarding the insertion of the variable parts. The parts of the priest, deacon, reader and choir are clearly indicated. No musical notation is included. Traditional English language is used throughout.
Form: Hardcover
Pages: 144
Our Father among the Saints, the Great Schema-Archimandrite Paisius (1722-1794), truly is, as this akathist says, a "chosen commander of spiritual warriors, guide and all-wondrous shepherd of monks, who through the writings of the Fathers fed our souls." And he feeds us yet today, though his writings, his witness, and most importantly through his heavenly intercession.
Full-color cover and inner pages, abundantly illustrated.
Format: Softcover
Pages: 40
This tearful, cleansing lamentation comes from the heart of a believing Orthodox person. With hope, she tenaciously clings to her Saviour with the boldness of one who knows the ultimate greatness of Christ's forgiveness. Not attempting to hide from Christ's gaze the magnitude of her sinful actions, the writer of this akathist fully presents her fallenness to the Lord without leaving unspoken even a trace for which the demons might accuse her at the Last Judgment. And out of the fullness of her repentance, in this liturgical expression of sorrow, she can freely call out.
Format: Softcover
Pages: 36
Author: Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov
In the early years of his life, Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov, the author of this memorable book, was under the spiritual guidance of St. John (Maximovitch) of Shanghai, who subsequently ordained him to the diaconate. After Archbishop John’s canonization on June 19/July 2, 1994, Father Valery set as his goal to share the miraculous events of the glorification with a wide audience of believers through the publication of his book, Lantern of Grace – in Russian (1999), followed by the English translation (2004). The book was reissued as an enlarged Russian edition (2010), that embraced our younger generation, including stories and reminiscences of students, altar boys, orphans, and numerous other people from various walks of life, whom St. John helped in time of need. The present extended English edition (2017) incorporates additional material on Vladyka’s life, his repose and the funeral, the uncovering and re-vesting of his relics, preceding the canonization, and the ever memorable and joyous glorification. This book contains a collection of precious photographs of Vladyka John, a saint who was our contemporary.
As readers make their way through the pages of this book, we hope they will feel the blessing bestowed by the hand of this wondrous miracle-worker. We trust that, guided by the ever-present Hand of God, they will discover a fresh, new source of faith and hope.
400 pages
Format: hardcover
The Rule for Holy Communion: Canons, Order of Preparation, and Prayers After Holy Communion
Back by popular demand, this comprehensive booklet contains all the prayers necessary for an Orthodox Christian preparing to receive Holy Communion, as well as the post-Communion Prayers of Thanksgiving. Also included is the Synodal document "On the Participation of the Faithful in the Eucharist", recently approved by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church to express its official teachings regarding proper reverence and preparation for the holiest of Christian sacraments.
The texts are taken from the best-selling "Jordanville Prayer Book" and arranged to match the usage of Holy Trinity Monastery. Comprehensive rubrics are included to guide the reader.
Softcover, 116 pages
Copyright Holy Trinity Publications
$14.50 $18.00
As a young professional working in Jerusalem, Ashley Lackovich-Van Gorp struggled to embrace her Orthodox faith with all her heart. She never dreamed her search for an intimate relationship with Christ would lead her to Ethiopia and into the hearts and lives of two little orphan girls—now orphans no longer.
Ashley Lackovich-Van Gorp is an international consultant for Girl Child Protection and Adaptive Behavior Change. She works for international humanitarian and development organizations on issues pertaining to adolescent girls and women. She specializes in prevention of harmful practices such as female genital mutilation, child marriage, and trafficking. She currently resides in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with her husband, daughters, and cat. She attends St. Frumentius Greek Orthodox Church.
Author: Ashley Lackovich-Van Gorp
Format: Paperback
Pages: 204
"Deep in a northern Russian forest of jade and brown, far from any hint of civilization, Valaam Monastery sinks into the seasons of the year as it has for a thousand years before. . . ." So begins the story of John Oliver, a young evangelical American on a journey of discovery a journey that leads him to an ancient Russian monastery, a place of peace and a place of struggle. For on Valaam, he encounters Orthodox Christianity and is reminded that the Christian life is not for the faint of heart. And on Valaam, the treasure of stillness requires a fierce guarding.
Author: Fr. John Oliver
Format: Paperback
Pages: 176
Author: St. John of Kronstadt
Translation: E.E. Goulaeff
Form: Hardcover
Pages: 568
My Life in Christ has been read by millions, making it one of the most beloved modern works of Orthodox Christian spirituality. In this new edition, the English translation has been thoroughly revised and freshly typeset to make St John's own words more accessible to today's reader. The bite-sized reflections draw the reader in to the author's profound spiritual experience and love for Jesus Christ and the Church. This new hardcover edition is enhanced by a smyth-sewn, gold-stamped cloth binding and grosgrain marking ribbon.
This is the kind of book you will return to time and time again. Appropriate, relevant, and edifying reading for all Christians.
Copyright Holy Trinity Publications
Pages: 48
Binding: Hardcover
The saints of our Church, even the greatest elders and ascetics, were once children!
On one summer day, in Konitsa of Epirus (Northern Greece), the young Arseny beheld the “Light of the world” with his own eyes. Over the years, this very child grew up to become the beloved saint we know today as St. Paisios the Athonite.
In this book, children will learn about the life of St. Paisios through sweet and moving stories, filled with wisdom and joy.
Suddenly I dreamed that I picked up the gun and, sitting in my armchair, pointed it straight at my heart—at my heart, and not at my head.
--Fyodor Dostoevsky
“The Dream of a Ridiculous Man” is a tale of the transformation of the heart and of a journey from despair to joy: a joy that can be known by all through an experience of God that transcends a simply rational discourse.
In this eye-opening literary study, Mary Naumenko uses the story as a springboard for a wider discourse on Christian spirituality and transformation. She examines the title character and his spiritual metamorphosis in light of the ancient concept of Nous as it has developed from the Greek philosophers to the Church Fathers. By comparing the “Ridiculous Man” to similar characters in Dostoevsky’s corpus the author shows how an Orthodox Christian understanding of how the nous underpins Dostoevsky’s own anthropology; in turn, his literary works guide the reader toward a truer vision of humanity.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
This new addition to the Series of Akathists is a Canon of Prayer, to be said on behalf of one who has taken his or her own life. Intended for devotional (private) use, it is offered with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Kyrill of San Francisco. The Introduction, written by Bishop Irenei of London, provides a sober, yet mercifully compassionate voice from the Church. For ease of use, there are two sections: one intended for the soul of a man, and the other for the soul of a woman.
Full-color cover and inner pages, abundantly illustrated.
Format: Softcover
Pages: 36
by Angela Isaacs, illustrated by Amandine Wanert
Good morning, God.
The day is new.
I say my first small prayer to You.
Lord, have mercy!
Lord, have mercy! When you're a toddler, every day is full of beautiful ups and difficult downs. And yet from sunrise to sunset, each day, each moment even, can be met with a powerful prayer that young children can remember: Lord, have mercy.
About the Author: Angela Isaacs didn’t realize she should be a writer until after getting an MA in Cognitive Psychology. Now she juggles freelance editing with book writing and raising her two daughters. Her first book for children, Goodnight Jesus, was published by Ancient Faith Publishing in 2016. She also has a forthcoming educational children’s book series, The Little Elephants' Big Adventures. When not writing or reading, Angela can usually be found knitting or cycling around the Illinois flatlands with her two daughters in tow.
About the Illustrator: Amandine Wanert is a French illustrator who currently lives in Paris. She illustrates both for the medical field and for children's book publishers, especially enjoying those projects that illuminate the world of young children. She previously illustrated In the Candle's Glow for Ancient Faith Publishing and has appreciated working on I Pray Today, bringing to life one little girl's quest to pray throughout the day. Amandine has two sons and a baby daughter.
Age Range: 2 – 6 years
Author: Angela Isaacs
Illustrator: Amandine Wanert
Format: Board book (heavy card stock, with rounded corners)
Dimensions: 6 X 8.5 inches
Page Length: 24 pages
The Orthodox Study Bible is the fruit of over twenty years of labor by many of the best Orthodox Christian theologians of our time. Here, by the grace of God, you will find the living water of His Word with comprehensive study guides and teachings that bring to our modern world the mind of the ancient Christian Church. It is the first-ever full-length (Old and New Testaments) Orthodox Study Bible in English.
What’s new in 2019?
The Ancient Faith Edition (released 2019) contains the identical content you know and love from the previous, most current release of the Orthodox Study Bible, including the same commentaries, notes, supplemental articles, and full-color icons and maps.
Format: Hardcover
Dimensions: 6.7 X 9.5 inches
Page Length: 1864 pages
Publisher: Produced exclusively for Ancient Faith Publishing
"It was a cruel invention, this wheel. A wheel that forced submission from those beneath it..."
Young Katherine, born into noble wealth with an insatiable hunger for knowledge, surpasses even her tutors when it comes to learning. But her learning counts for nothing when she meets the only man worthy of her - her heavenly Bridegroom. Trading worldly knowledge for eternal wisdom, Katherine challenges even the emperor himself - and he prepares a cruel invention to break her. Meet this great bride of Christ in the second graphic novel in the Among the Saints series - written to inspire both children and adults.
About the Author: Gabriel lives near his childhood home in rural Indiana with his wife Emily and their three daughters. Their home is over 100 years old - a true fixer-upper - and the subject of many of his woodworking projects. In his free time, he pursues carpentry and music and enjoys making homemade tacos with his wife and sketching with his daughters. Graphic novels are his favorite form of artwork, and aside from his comics based on the lives of saints, he has other secular novels in the works.
Author: Gabriel Wilson
Format: Paperback
Dimensions: 7 x 10 inches
Page Length: 104 pages
Pages: 80
Binding: Hardcover
Introducing Friends of Christ, a new twelve volume hardcover series of books for young people. Each beautifully illustrated volume contains the lives of five Saints, which take children on a journey where the real events of history inspire them to love the Lord and His wondrous deeds in the lives of the Friends of Christ!
The October volume contains the lives of : St. John Koukouzelis (Oct 1), St. Thomas the Apostle (Oct 6), St. Athanasia and Andronikos (Oct 9), St. Longinos the Centurios (Oct 16), and St. Demetrios the Myrrhstreamer (Oct 26).
Each volume includes a large decal.
Volume 2: This collection of stories, written for a young audience by one of the most important Orthodox Christian elders of Romania, contains teachings about faith, the Christian virtues, the lives of the saints, prayer, icons, and many other topics. In the second volume, Elder Cleopa tells stories about the importance of humility and a miracle with the Holy Cross.
Paperback, 38 pages.
Volume 1: This collection of stories, written for a young audience by one of the most important Orthodox Christian elders of Romania, contains teachings about faith, the Christian virtues, the lives of the saints, prayer, icons, and many other topics. The first volume includes stories about God's greatness, the value of faith, St. Mark of Trache, the fear of God, and one of the Psalms.
Paperback, 78 pages.
St Ignatius Brianchaninov (1807-1867) is renowned as a writer on the spiritual life in general. What is less well known is that throughout most of his adult life he struggled with chronic illness and disability. Thus his own life experience disposed him to reflect on the meaning of suffering for human existence and how through it we might find “a harbor for our hope.”
The saint frequently returns to these themes in many of his letters, newly translated into English and excerpted, adapted and presented here in thematic subject groups. For the translator these writings provided a source of consolation and encouragement during her husband’s lengthy illness and eventual death. They will equally benefit all who suffer physical or spiritual pain, however great or small, and reveal how the love of God may be experienced in its midst.
"Timidity and doubt do not suit you. As you look upon the powerful winds there is one who calls upon you to walk among the sorrowful seas that separate you from your brethren: It is the Lord Himself. This calling is also a blessed election! Christ marks “His own” with the seal of suffering. He found your soul useful for Himself and that is why He marks it with his seal! And the small flock stands out, as part of Christ, from among other people; Christ’s flock holds in its hands the sign of being chosen by Christ, the cup of Christ. On their shoulders there is a banner: The Cross of Christ. Far, far were they flung from the children of the world!"
Paperback, 192 pages.
A fascinating account of a failed "journey to Orthodoxy" within the context of the nineteenth century Oxford Movement of the Anglican Church. It recounts the story of William Palmer, a member of that movement, and details in particular his two trips to Russia in the 1840s and his meeting and correspondence with the great lay theologian Khomiakoff.
Format: Paperback
Pages: 384
This is a fascinating account of a failed "journey to Orthodoxy" that should provide food for thought to all who may follow this path in the future and offer grounds for reflection to Orthodox believers on how to remove unnecessary stumbling blocks that can arise on the path to their Church.
This book charts the eccentric career of William Palmer, a fellow of Magdalen College and deacon of the Anglican Church. Seemingly destined for a conventional life as a classics don at Oxford, in 1840 and 1842 he travelled to Russia to seek communion with the Russian Orthodox Church. In interactions with Metropolitan of Moscow Philaret (Drozdov), the lay theologian Khomyakov, and others, he sought their affirmation that the Anglican Church was part of the ancient Catholic and Apostolic Church world-wide. Their discussions clarify the mutual misgivings and sincere theological disagreements that ultimately ended Palmer’s quest.
After some years in ecclesiastical limbo, Palmer followed the example of his Oxford friends such as John Henry Newman, and was received into the Roman Catholic Church in Rome in 1855. He lived in Rome as a Catholic layman until his death in 1879.
This is a new edition of the work previously entitled Palmer's Pilgrimage: The Life of William Palmer of Magdalen, published by Peter Lang in 2006.
Robin Wheeler was educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Cambridge and called to the Bar in 1979. He served as an officer in the 4th / 7th Royal Dragoon Guards within the British army. After finishing his service in the armed forces he studied Theology at the University of Durham, completing a doctorate on William Palmer of Magdalen College.
Chapter One: Childhood, Rugby and Oxford
Chapter Two: France and Durham
Chapter Three: Return to Oxford
Chapter Four: Russia, 1840-1841
Chapter Five: The Cursing Deacon
Chapter Six: The Galitsin Affair
Chapter Seven: Return to Russia
Chapter Eight: Struggle for a Soul
Chapter Nine: Pearls before Swine
Chapter Ten: The Struggle Continues
Chapter Eleven: Passing into Oblivion
Chapter Twelve: The Correspondence with Khomiakoff
Chapter Thirteen: In the Levant
Chapter Fourteen: Leaving the East
Chapter Fifteen: In Limbo
Chapter Sixteen: Rome at Last
Chapter Seventeen: Life in Rome
Chapter Eighteen: Death in Rome
Pages: 98
Binding: Hardcover
Introducing Friends of Christ, a new twelve volume hardcover series of books for young people. Each beautifully illustrated volume contains the lives of five Saints, which take children on a journey where the real events of history inspire them to love the Lord and His wondrous deeds in the lives of the Friends of Christ!
The November volume contains the lives of : Venerable David of Evia (Nov 1), St. St. Porphyrios the Mime (Nov 4), Sts. Galaktion and Episteme (Nov 5), St. John Chrysostom (Nov 13), and the Holy Great Martyr Katherine (Nov 25).
Each volume includes a large decal.
Abigail is happy on the island of Inisheer, but God has other plans for her! An angel asks Abigail to search for nine white deer in the woods across the sea. When she finds them, Abigail will also find the place where God wants her to be. Journey with Abigail as she listens to ONE angel, sails with TWO fishermen, finds THREE deer, then SIX, then more! Count with Abigail all the way to her true home.
Format: board book
Page Length: 24 pages
Ages: 1-5
A festive children’s book about the joy of a farmer and his little daughter as they work their vineyard and offer the fruit of the vine back to their Creator in Eucharistic celebration. The reader takes in the mystery of grapes becoming the wine of the Holy Communion as the illustrations and the text lead from field to wine cellar to church.
A picture book for preschool and up.
Hardcover: 32 pages
The North Star is always above me because I live in Alaska. Father Herman is our North Star, forever guiding us in God's way.
- from North Star: St Herman of Alaska
In 1774, a group of Russian Orthodox missionaries landed on Kodiak Island, Alaska, with the intent to preach the Gospel. Of this initial effort there survived one monk, Father Herman, who lived among the Aleut people for more than forty years and earned the loving nickname Apa, or "grandfather." Saint Herman's sense of humor, strict asceticism and care for the physical and spiritual needs of the natives left a memorable legacy.
In this charming volume, author and illustrator Dorrie Papademetriou captures the divine spark that shone in the monk Herman and reflects it across the pages. The world of Apa and the Aleuts comes alive in vibrant illustrations while readers are warmed by the words of this human heart aflame with divine love.
Format: Hardcover
Page Length: 32
Illustrations by Dcn. Paul Drozdowski
Written by priest Daniel Marshall
This hardbound, 32-page, full-color life of St. Seraphim of Sarov delights with lavish, historically-accurate illustrations and inspiring stories that every young Christian will enjoy reading again and again. Short sayings patterned after the Lord’s Beatitudes present St. Seraphim’s wisdom in clear, memorable phrases.
Published with the blessing of His Grace, Bishop Peter of Cleveland.
You and your children (and Godchildren!) will learn:
- St. Seraphim's advice to those who visited him
- The most interesting events in his life
- Virtues toward which all Christians can struggle
- A window to an era of great piety in Russia
“This is the best children’s Orthodox book I’ve seen!”
— Heiromonk Alexander, Hermitage of the Holy Cross
"Today, perhaps more then ever before, our young people need lessons to live by, and this book masterfully provides them from the life of one of our favorite Saints."
— Very Rev. Martin Swanson, Rector St. Basil the Great Orthodox Church
This site can only process retail orders. Wholesale orders should be submitted by FAX, phone or email. Click the link below for our wholesale order form.
Inside this book you will discover the wondrous life of a pure childlike heart—Saint Paisios of the Holy Mountain—a dearly beloved contemporary saint of the holy Orthodox Church.
The life of Saint Paisios was marked by ascetic struggles, fervent love for God, and ceaseless prayers. As a receptacle of the Holy Spirit, he became a river of holiness nourishing countless people on the love of Christ
Today, an endless stream of pilgrims make the trip to his resting place in Northern Greece in order to venerate his grave and ask for his holy prayers. May he intercede fora ll of us before the Savior!
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 52
In the centuries before Christ, Celtic peoples migrated from mainland Europe into the British Isles, eventually settling in Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.
As Christians, they quickly set themselves apart from the local pagans and their priests, the druids. Many important holy ascetics preached the Gospel to both the unconverted Celts and the native Britons.
The remarkable thing about early Celtic culture is the transformation of its people., who distanced themselves from barbarism and arose as a Christian society led by its saints. In this spirit, we are delighted to present this book. Based on a mix of fact and folktale, the stories collected here introduce readers to a number of men and women who helped create the early history of our Orthodox Christian heritage. Their stories, though forgotten by many, are just as relevant today as they were in the distance past. And so, as we study these saints, may we be inspired to follow their example of love, humility, obedience, and most of all, their complete devotion to Christ!
Format: hardcover
Pages: 62
An engaging, illustrated guide to confession for children. This 100-page, easy-to-use aid will help a child understand and prepare for confession. Designed for both younger and older children, this book assists the child with brief, inspirational thoughts followed by prayers and an age-appropriate self-examination based on 1 Corinthians 13 (the "love chapter"). A Child's Guide to Confession also includes a glossary of basic vocabulary that children typically encounter when learning about or going to confession. Fully illustrated in a simple, colorful, yet reverent style.
This work for our children was compiled by the editors, as well as various staff members and content contributors, of Ancient Faith Ministries under the supervision of several Orthodox clergy as cited on the copyright page: namely, Fr Noah Bushelli, Fr Nicholas Speier, and Fr Andrew Stephen Damick.
Freedom, Power, Strength.
These he would gain, then lose...
Released from slavery and no longer frightened by his master's whip, Moses uses his new freedom and great physical strength to rob and destroy. Consumed by his own desires and unable to escape the reminders of his past, Moses must learn of the True Source of freedom and power. Meet St. Moses the Strong, also known as St. Moses the Black, as he surpasses his physical strength with spiritual discipline, obtaining the crown that thieves can neither harm nor steal. This is the third graphic novel in the Among the Saints series - written to inspire both children and adults.
About the Author: Gabriel grew up sketching his favorite characters and imagining far off places in the woods of Indiana. After studying illustration and drawing at Herron School of Art and Design in Indianapolis, the idea for Among the Saints took root in his heart to share the lives of Saints in a way that his younger self would have read and enjoyed. He resides in Indiana (near those same woods) with his wife and four daughters. In his free time he enjoys gaming with his brothers, learning about Japanese culture, longboarding with his daughter, and spending lots of Sundays with family and friends at his parish, Saint Stephen the First Martyr.
Age Range: 10+ years
Author and Illustrator: Gabriel Wilson
Paperback: 124 pages
The saints of our Church, even the greatest elders and ascetics, were once children! In volume 2 of the series we meet a sweet boy named Angelo who would become Saint Porphyrios! Many a time while grazing his sheep, Angelo would find shelter in the hollow of an olive tree and would eagerly read The Life of Saint John the Hut-Dweller. From childhood until he was a tonsured monk, the story of the Hut-Dweller was Angelo's constant companion. He dreamed that one day he would set sail on a fast moving boat, traverse great seas, and drop anchor at Mount Athos, the port that stands between earth and heaven.
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 64
This book tells the story of an incredible and beloved contemporary Saint of our holy Orthodox Church, Luke the Physician and Holy Hierarch. He lived a life of service and struggle within the Russian Empire, during a period of tumultuous change, chaos, suffering, and death.
Persevering through two world wars and repeated persecution, Saint Luke proved himself a mighty river of holiness. His faith and courage in the midst of devastating personal loss and uncertainty remind us that, with God, all things are possible to him who believes!
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 40
Author: St Tikhon of Zadonsk
Form: Paperback
Pages: 536
— About the Book —
As a merchant gathers various goods from different countries and carries them home and stores them up, so the Christian may gather edifying thoughts and lay them up in the storeroom of his heart, and enrich his soul with them.
Drawing upon numerous examples from daily life and human relationships, St Tikhon weaves together wisdom on how to live a life pleasing to God. His words are frequently embellished by scripture and together these call the reader to repentance and a fuller embrace of godly living. In a world that typically only values material goods his writing constantly reminds the reader of that which is of true value — the knowledge and love of God.
The reader also finds encouragement in the struggle to overcome sin and to acquire virtue which is the fundamental battle of the Christian as the war is waged against the passions. It is a fight worth the effort. St Tikhon’s message is clear: True riches are not of this world, but of the age to come. These riches both can and should be acquired now. As the reader progresses deeper into this work his soul will find refreshment, purpose and meaning for his life.
— Author Biography —
St Tikhon of Zadonsk was an 18th century bishop and spiritual writer of the Russian Orthodox Church. Consecrated a bishop in 1761, he zealously and wisely administered the diocese of Voronezh for seven years before retiring to a monastery in Zadonsk due to poor health. In retirement, he was remembered for his deep piety, humility, and love for his fellow man. St Tikhon reposed in 1783 at the age of 59. His incorrupt relics were discovered in 1846 and he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1861. St Tikhon’s life and works inspired the great Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky, and he is considered to be an inspiration for the characters of Bishop Tikhon (The Demons) and Alyosha Karamazov and Elder Zosima (The Brothers Karamazov).
Seraphim Englehardt is a freelance translator and editor based in Simpsonville, South Carolina. He has previously translated classics of Russian spiritual literature such as How to Live a Holy Life, by Metropolitan Gregory (Postnikov), and St. Theophan the Recluse's commentary on Psalm 118.
— Contents —
1 The World
2 The Sun
3 Father and Children
4 Master and Servant
5 A King and His Honored Subject—a Criminal
6 Captives and Their Liberator
7 A Master and the Servant Whom He Purchased
8 A Captive and His Liberator
9 Joyous News for Criminals
10 The King Who out of Compassion Visits People Living in Poverty
11 The Death Penalty for a Condemned Man
12 A King, Awaited by Citizens, His Arrival in the City, and His Reception by the Citizens
13 A Low-ranking Person Adopted by a High-ranking Person
14 A Benefactor and the Ungrateful Man Who Receives a Benefaction from Him
15 A King and His Subject Who Asks a Favor of Him
16 The Vine and the Branches
17 Head and Body
18 The Members of the Body among Themselves
19 Sheep
20 Goats
21 Shepherd and Flock
22 Bridegroom and Bride
23 Warfare
24 A Wayfarer
25 A Wayfarer and a Guide
26 A Stranger or Wanderer
27 A Citizen
28 A Dinner or Supper
29 A Curtain or Veil
30 A Deaf Man
31 A Seed
32 Sowing and Harvesting
33 The Right Hand
34 The Giving King and the Thief of His Gift
35 Turn Back! Do Not Go That Way!
36 Don’t Touch That! It’s Poison!
37 Weeping
38 Debt
39 A Master Who Is Calling a Servant
40 Servants Awaiting Their Master
41 A Man Summoned to Court
42 A Person Covered with Wounds
43 A Blind Man Restrained
44 A Tall Tree in the Midst of Short Trees
45 A Sensible Head
46 Desire
47 Happiness
48 A Burning Candle
49 A Sword Hanging over a Head
50 A Net
51 Drunkenness
52 A Mirror
53 One Emerging from Darkness, Prison, Captivity, and the Like
54 Shame
55 I Cannot Escape Anywhere from You
56 The Master Is Here
57 A King Who Enters a City or House
58 Woe
59 A Good Tree
60 Slime or Mud on the Bottom of a Spring
61 A Person Who Has Fallen among Robbers and Been Injured by Them
62 A Hospital or Infirmary
63 Poison, Hidden in a Person
64 Warfare
65 Calling
66 Your Father Has Been Waiting for You a Long Time. Do Not Tarry!
67 And We Will Go There
68 Spring
69 Get Up!
70 Livestock
71 Turning
72 Imitation
73 The Safe Path
74 A Mirror
75 Plague
76 Following Like Cattle
77 A Lamp
78 A Blind Man and a Sighted Man Accompanying Him
79 A Subject Who Violates the Law in the Presence of His King
80 A Servant Offended in the Presence of His Master
81 Royal Mercy Promised to Transgressors, and Announced, and Shown to Those Who Turn Themselves Around
82 Tares among the Wheat
83 Why Are You Here?
84 A Lie
85 A Hen
86 A Poultice
87 Where Are You Going? There Will Be Misfortune for You There
88 Why Have You Stopped?
89 Fasting
90 Renunciation of Christ
91 A Servant Who Knows, and One Who Does Not Know, the Will of His Master
92 Take Stock of Yourself!
93 A Shield
94 Peace
95 A Straight and a Crooked Tree
96 Water Flows from High Mountains to Low-Lying Areas
97 Water Flowing By
98 Now You Are Freed from All Misfortunes
99 A Small Sapling
100 Repose
101 A Bridle
102 Follow Me
103 Study
104 The Alphabet
105 Teacher and Pupils
106 I Am Greatly in Your Debt
107 The Memory of an Absent Benefactor
108 He Did His Work and Left
109 Citizens Awaiting Their King in Their City
110 One Will Be Taken and the Other Will Be Left
111 An Oath
112 A Bathhouse
113 A Maiden Betrothed to a Man
114 A Ship
115 Whose Are You?
116 They Are in Concert
117 A King Summons His Subject to Him by an Edict
118 I Will Come Tomorrow
119 A Gardener Cuts Down a Barren Tree
120 Snares Placed on the Path
121 A Great Thing
122 Do Not Be Afraid, I Am with You
123 A Belch
124 A Boat or Vessel on a River
125 The Knowledge of Misfortune or Trouble Induces Us to Seek Deliverance
126 A Pauper
127 A Treasure
128 Witnesses
129 Whom Should I Love, If Not Him?
130 A Full and an Empty Vessel
131 Whoever Loves Something Seeks after It
132 A Perceived Good Is Sought For
133 Everything Finds Repose in Its Own Place
134 A Migrant
135 Servants Sent by the Master to Invite Guests to Dinner
136 A Guard
137 Do Not Touch It; You Cannot Lift It
138 Everyone Avoids a Perceived Evil
139 Little Children
140 Those Who Eat and Drink at Table, and Others Who Are Hungry, but Not Allowed There for Their Own Fault
141 Those Who Enter the King’s Bridal Chamber
142 Light and Darkness
143 I Am Ashamed to Look at You
144 Internecine Strife
145 A Bee That Wounds with Its Sting
146 A Wounded Man Is Wounded Again
147 A Mirror Shows the Smudges on a Face
148 How Could I Forget Him!
149 We Shall Be Safe There
150 A Painting Is Spoiled
151 I Am Not Your Brother
152 The Path
153 The Belly
154 A Man Falls into a Pit That He Himself Has Dug
155 Being Pleasing
156 A Swindler
157 One Event Brings a Similar One to Mind
by Melinda Johnson, illustrated by Kristina Tartara
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